Releases: patri0t86/ACManager
Optimized/Cleaned Up
Major code refactoring to be slightly more performant. Cleaned up a ton of code redundancies. Refactored lots of code to return early for maintainability/readability for any future feature expansion.
Collapsed some states into others (i.e. SelfBuffing no longer exists as it was redundant with Casting, and now handled with a little more logic).
Some quality of life features added/changed, no major features released.
Bug Fixes and Features!
New Features
- Can now toggle allegiance chat as a portal bot listener. Self explanatory, but if you check the box, then commands given by
will not be parsed by the bot and processed for commands for portals. - Magic skill override input box. This value can positive (increases your magic casting abilities in calculations) or negative (decreases). A reasonable default is chosen in the bot for an acceptable fizzle rates depending on the level of bot you want to run. However, you can force it to have a higher (or lower) skill with this. NOTE: The calculation isn't 100% accurate and matching what the in-game UI shows based on augmentations and other back end things. If your buffed value in-game looks like you should be casting, say, level 8 spells and the bot isn't, try adding some points in the Magic Override box.
- Full spell fallback from level 8 to level 1 spells depending on what spells are known and if components are available. This is completely handled for you, and the bot will dynamically fallback on spells based on your skill, to a reasonable level of fizzles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed character screen name sorting. The original method used didn't match Turbine's on the character screen leading to weird errors.
- Fixed an infinite self-buffing cycle issue.
New Feature Beta Release
Important things to note for upgrade:
- Delete the entire BuffProfiles, either the directory itself, or just the files contained inside. To populate the directory with the new level 8 defaults files cannot exist in this directory.
a. If you had made custom profiles, copy out your custom profile xml files, log in to AC with the plugin enabled to populate the directory with the new defaults. Copy your profiles back in to the BuffProfiles directory. You will need to change the XML attribute for each<Buff/>
for the bot to read in the spells correctly.
New features:
- Implemented allegiance chat checkbox. This allows you to let your portal bot listen to portal requests from allegiance chat as well.
- Completely refactored spell fallback. Now includes the ability to dynamically fallback from lvl 8 to lvl 1 spells, checking each spell level on the way to cast the highest spell available. This feature is always on, making it very easy to use.
- Updated all default buff profiles to be level 8 spells. If you don't know a spell or have components, it will just default to a lower level spell. So if you build a custom buff profile, simply drop in the lvl 8 spell ID and it will automatically lower the level for the unknown level 8 until a known spell with comps is found.
- Implemented a magic skill override config option. By default I aim for 80% success rate on spell casts based on historical data here If you wish to make it easier to cast spells, simply add a positive value into the text box to make your skill calculate higher.
Bug fixes:
- Proper character name sorting appears to be working now, so it should not matter what you name your character, the bot will be able to switch appropriately.
Chat Bug Fix
This release fixes an old "bug" where the bot would not respond to characters with hyphens in the name. This is now fixed. Sorry to all those with hyphens in their names before this!
This update also allows special characters and anything else in portal keywords or buff commands.
With the fix of this bug there is also a slight performance increase due to the refactor.
Buff Bot
Major feature release!!
Welcome to the official release of version 3.0.0 of ACManager!
The major function added to the bot is a full-fledged buff bot. This integrates seemlessly with the multicharacter portal bot. From one single Asheron's Call account you can run a full multicharacter portal bot and buff bot, in a single easy-to-use plugin! Simply input the name of the buff bot character and once you turn on the bot, you're up and running!
The buff bot comes with a full suite of profiles created ahead of time for you. These profiles can be found in a folder next to your ACManager.dll file aptly named "BuffProfiles". If you wish to customize any profiles or add new ones, simply amend, or add more XML files in the same format as the built-in profiles. If you wish to remove any, simply delete them.
You can now build suits to buff with as well! You can set an idle/standby suit, and then give it a completely separate set of clothing/jewelry to wear for pre-buffs to the buff bot if desired. As a reminder, if you add any equipment to the buffing equipment, you must add a wand. To be the most performant it will equip/unequip only the pieces listed in the equipment manager tab and look no further.
NOTE/WARNING: Due to the differences in ACE/GDLE server protocols, currently only ACE servers are supported with buff bot functionality. I repeat, the buff bot only works on ACE servers currently.
Along with this major release come a lot of stability fixes, performance improvements, and various bug fixes. If there are any bugs, please report them through Issues.
Features and Fixes
Feature added:
- Can now view the relevant inventory (gem/spell component inventories), from within the GUI, for any character on that account.
Minor user changes from this update:
- When you disable bot navigation, it no longer forces the heading. So you can move the bot around freely when you disable navigation, but the bot can still be running, if desired.
- Updated a lot of the "soft" items, like handling no descriptions in portals and proper string formations.
- Now broadcasts if it tries to cast a spell that it does not know. This is a helper to the bot owner to make it very known that the spell is unknown, but also so users can tell the owner of the issue.
- Minor GUI tweaks and rearrangement of items.
- Lots of little bug fixes that were discovered.
Portal Gem Support
The bot now supports portal gem usage.
Enter the portal gem configuration in the GUI (keyword, heading, and have the portal gem selected in your inventory). This makes the bot aware of the gems you wish to track. The bot automatically tracks component levels and gem inventory across the entire account and will switch to any character containing the requested gem and use it (like the portal system).
Many New Features!
Big feature release!
Various under the hood bug fixes.
Various performance enhancements.
New Features:
- The bot now equips/unequips wands, in case you forget to equip one, no problem!
- The bot now properly handles knowledge of a spell. If it is not known, it will continue on instead of hanging at that spell and give a warning message letting you know a spell is not known.
- The bot now checks for components of a spell on each spell cast so the bot does not get hung if components are missing.
- Spell components are now tracked internally.
- Low spell component thresholds implemented. On the bot config page, you can set low component thresholds. The bot will check the thresholds each time spellcasting is started. If you are below the threshold, a local area broadcast is sent saying you are low on components on every advertisement interval, and every time casting state is entered. This is an account-wide setting.
- GUI view visibility is now persisted. If you have a view checked or unchecked, then it will persist login-to-login now. This is an account-wide setting.
Feature Release
New feature!
The bot now has navigation support. You set the location you want the bot to be positioned in, and it will ensure the bot never leaves that location. You can set it anywhere in the world and it will navigate you back (straight-line path only). This will ensure all of your characters on an account are placed in the exact same location.
Other changes:
Widened the low component logoff text boxes so you can see if you fat-fingered a component entry to a value higher than you intended.
Major Release 2.0.0
This was a major refactor of the plugin to move everything into a filter, out of the plugin. This enables much more functionality to the bot owner, and more possibilities/power moving forward. This includes many under the hood changes/improvements.
NOTE: You must uninstall the old ACManager since there are some registry changes. Your settings files will persist so you will not have to rebuild them. When you install version 2.0, make sure you pick the parent folder of the ACManager folder for the installation location. i.e. If you installed at C:\Turbine\Asheron's Call\plugins then for installation location pick C:\Turbine\Asheron's Call\plugins and NOT C:\Turbine\Asheron's Call\plugins\ACManager.
New Features:
- All command line arguments are now implemented in the GUI! Simply start/stop the bot, or change configs, within the GUI. Command line arguments are still supported for now, but will most likely not be developed moving forward.
- All bot settings are now persisted to disk, so you no longer require on-login commands.
- Dynamically set mana/stamina thresholds to your liking, i.e. you want to let the bot get down to 30% mana before regaining mana.