We are building custom flashcard technology to assist actors in the process of line memorization. This is a React App built with Firebase.
- Rehearse uses JavaScript, Node, React, CSS, HTML and Firebase.
- Creating an account is very easy- simply type an email and a password, and click "Create Account"
- Click on the "Add Script" block to give a title and character name to your script
- Once you have added a script, we now need to add scenes and lines- click on "Rehearse" on the Scene card you have just created.
- Now Click on "Build New Scene"
- You will now see two cards side by side- write the other characters line on the left and the your characters lines on the right- then click the "+" button to add those two lines to your scene. Then add your next line, and their next line. Keep doing this until the whole scene has been "built"
- Click on "Save Scene" to save your scene in our database
- after clicking save scene you will be redirected to the script page. If you dont see the scene you have just built, simply refresh the page and it will appear.
- Click "Run Lines" to be directed to the rehearsal page!
- You will now see a screen that has your line hidden and the other characters lines exposed.
- If you want to see your line- simply press "Reveal"
- Click "Next Line" to run your lines. A counter will add up the number of times you have rehearsed the scene.
I had a lot of fun building this app. I'm planning an even more extensive version in the future. Hope to see you there!