🚀 Software Engineer & Architect with extensive experience designing, engineering, and commercializing scalable software solutions. My work spans multiple industries, with a focus on telecommunications, banking, and finance.
- 🔭 Building impactful solutions – I create technology-driven solutions that address real-world challenges, ensuring they serve the common man.
- 🏗️ Software architecture – Designing robust and scalable systems.
- 🛠️ Engineering – Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
- 📖 Continuous learning – Always exploring new technologies to stay ahead.
- 🌱 Beyond tech – I do a bit of farming on the side!
- 💼 Looking for a skilled engineer or architect? Let’s talk! Reach me via email.
- 💬 Have a question or need clarification? Feel free to reach out.
As an engineer, I enjoy solving problems. As an architect, I recognize the critical role of documentation.
Key questions I always ask:
- Who is the customer?
- What’s the problem?
- What are the proposed solutions?
- Who’s responsible for what, when, and how?
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) is vital. It’s not just about preferences—it’s about ensuring resilience and clarity in every project.
I prioritize speed and comfort in my development environment. A well-optimized setup boosts productivity and creativity.