fusionCSS is a simple responsive HTML5 and CSS toolkit supporting nested grids created by @paularlott.
You can use fusionCSS to rapidly prototype and build responsive web pages and apps that work across a wide range of devices. The key features of fusionCSS are:
- Nestable fluid grid system
- Works on virtually anything
- Built with LESS
- Minimal, fusionCSS doesn't try to do design for you
- Native support for fusionCSS in fusionLib and clearFusionCMS
The easiest way to start using fusionCSS within your projects is to copy the pre-compiled CSS and JavaScript files into your project and reference them:
- css/fusion.min.css
- js/fusionCSS.js
Within the head section of your HTML document you should have:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/fusionCSS.js"></script>To build a fusionCSS, edit the .less files within the less folder and then:
- Invoke gulp, the default operation will compile the less files and minimise the JavaScript, the output will be placed into the css and js folders.