This Android app demonstrates how to implement location tracking using the Fused Location Provider in Android. It allows users to request location permission, enable GPS, and continuously fetch and display the user's current latitude and longitude.
- Request and handle location permissions.
- Check and enable GPS settings.
- Continuously fetch and display the user's current latitude and longitude.
To use this app, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine using Git or download it as a ZIP file.
Open the project in Android Studio.
Build and run the app on an Android device or emulator.
On the app's main screen, you will see the latitude and longitude updated in real-time as the location changes.
- When you launch the app, it will request location permissions.
- If location permissions are granted, it will check for GPS availability.
- If GPS is enabled, the app will start fetching and displaying the user's current location.
- If GPS is disabled, the app will prompt the user to enable it.
This app uses the following dependencies:
- AndroidX
- Fused Location Provider
- Play Services Location
- Permissions handling
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions, feature requests, or find any issues, please create an issue or submit a pull request.
- Pavan Namepalli
- Email:
- This app was created as a demonstration of Android location tracking.
- Thanks to the Android community for providing resources and documentation.
Feel free to customize this README as needed for your specific project and include any additional information, such as screenshots or usage examples.