Teacher's Assistant app helps teachers to grade students in 'Unit Conversion' science unit by validating students answer for Temperatures and Volumes conversions.
The app supports all screen sizes (responsive) and keyboard accessible.
Teacher's Assistant is ready to use here (https://teacher-assistant.vercel.app/).
Technical stack: TypeScript, Next.js, React, Material UI. CI/CD is used to deploy main branch to Vercel's cloud.
Video demo / intro and tech walk through (3 mins) is here
Clone the repo, install it and run:
cd teacher-assistant
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the app.
Run unit tests for core functionality
yarn test
Run end-to-end tests to test whole app
yarn e2e:headless
- fix technical debts (better test coverage)
- propose to add more options for conversion unit (e.g. length, mass, weight, energy, ...)
- propose to add log of assignment validations
- propose functionality for students pass assignment on-line (so, teachers don't need to enter result's manually from paper)
- propose other science units automation / implementation (e.g. evolve to e-learning system)