For your Academy I want you to create a small application that uses API RESTful services. You need to work as a team to accomplish the final goal.
You need to build a small application that accomplishes the following:
- List of beers
- Application should have a search bar to filter the list;
- Application should have a cart to buy any drink (Just the page and create a fake store)
- Application should have a screen with drink’s details;
- Login with an external provider (Google or Facebook)
- Get your API Key as explained within the documentation
- Use Xcode (Swift) and use Github;
- You can use third-party libraries with their preference to handle dependencies;
- Take the opportunity to showcase your coding style and use the MVVM / VIPER design pattern.
- Pagination
- Functional programming
- Adapt UI to mobile orientation changes and iPad
- Add more items as you wish
- Application should permit login with facebook and google.
- Layout
For layouts you can take ideas from:
You project starts Wednesday, 6 of March and you need to make your last commit at 18h of Thursday , 14 of March