_FB e2e tests #497
on: workflow_dispatch
Backup Management MongoDB UI tests
e2e tests: @bm-mongo
Backup Management Common and Locations UI tests
e2e tests: @bm-locations
Exporters tests
e2e tests: @exporters
MongoDB Exporter tests
e2e tests: @mongodb-exporter
Instances UI tests
e2e tests: @fb-instances
Alerting and Settings UI tests
e2e tests: @fb-alerting|@fb-settings
User with changed password UI tests
e2e tests: @user-password
PGSM UI tests
e2e tests: @pgsm-pmm-integration
PGSS UI tests
e2e tests: @pgss-pmm-integration
PSMDB Replica UI tests
e2e tests: @pmm-psmdb-replica-integration
User with changed password UI tests
podman e2e tests: @user-password
5m 10s
Dump Tool UI tests
e2e tests: @dump
Service Accounts tests
e2e tests: @service-account
PSMDB Arbiter Replica UI tests
e2e tests: @pmm-psmdb-arbiter-integration
PS UI integration tests
e2e tests: @fb-pmm-ps-integration
PS UI Role based access control
e2e tests: @rbac
17 errors
Exporters tests / e2e tests: @exporters
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Backup Management MongoDB UI tests / e2e tests: @bm-mongo
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Backup Management Common and Locations UI tests / e2e tests: @bm-locations
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Instances UI tests / e2e tests: @fb-instances
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Alerting and Settings UI tests / e2e tests: @fb-alerting|@fb-settings
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Dump Tool UI tests / e2e tests: @dump
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
MongoDB Exporter tests / e2e tests: @mongodb-exporter
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PGSM UI tests / e2e tests: @pgsm-pmm-integration
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PSMDB Arbiter Replica UI tests / e2e tests: @pmm-psmdb-arbiter-integration
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PGSS UI tests / e2e tests: @pgss-pmm-integration
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
User with changed password UI tests / e2e tests: @user-password
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
Service Accounts tests / e2e tests: @service-account
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PSMDB Replica UI tests / e2e tests: @pmm-psmdb-replica-integration
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PS UI Role based access control / e2e tests: @rbac
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
PS UI integration tests / e2e tests: @fb-pmm-ps-integration
Unable to resolve action percona-platform/action-tmate, repository not found
User with changed password UI tests / podman e2e tests: @user-password
Error setting status:
No commit found for SHA: null
Request object:
"context": "@user-password UI tests",
"description": "Test execution success",
"state": "success",
"owner": "percona",
"repo": "pmm-qa",
"sha": "null",
"target_url": "https://github.com/percona/pmm-qa/actions/runs/12927322228"
User with changed password UI tests / podman e2e tests: @user-password
Error setting status:
No commit found for SHA: null
Request object:
"context": "@user-password UI tests",
"description": "Test execution success",
"state": "pending",
"owner": "percona",
"repo": "pmm-qa",
"sha": "null",
"target_url": "https://github.com/percona/pmm-qa/actions/runs/12927322228"