Releases: peter88213/pywoo
Releases · peter88213/pywoo
v1.40.7: Version 1.40.7
- Stripping formatting of headings. Based on PyWriter 12.19.7
v1.40.6: Version 1.40.6
- Strip illegal characters before parsing yw7 input. Based on PyWriter 12.19.6
v1.40.5: Version 1.40.5
- Refactor for future Python versions: No longer test truth value of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element. Based on PyWriter version 12.19.5
Version 1.40.4
- Refactor the code for future Python versions, according to the deprecation warnings by Python 3.12.
Based on PyWriter version 12.19.4
- Read .yw7 files created with the iOS yWriter version.
Based on PyWriter v12.19.0
- Make sure to keep custom data from other applications when updating .yw7 files. Based on PyWriter v12.18.0
Fix a bug where normal scenes are written to the "notes" and "todo" export documents, if appended to the previous scene. Based on PyWriter v12.17.2
Write more compact yw7 files without redundant data not needed by yWriter. Based on PyWriter v12.17.1
Change the layout of exported documents. - Replace the Manuscript's scene comments with invisible scene headings. - Remove the ODT export's scene comments. - Replace the Scene description document's scene comments with invisible scene headings. - Remove several links from the exported document's headings. This is mainly to speed up the opening of documents in OpenOffice. - Fix a bug where the links to the item descriptions in the cross reference are broken. - Fix a bug where a missing chapter title cannot be replaced with the manuscript heading. - Escape characters in custom field variables when writing as PCDATA to .yw7. Based on PyWriter v12.16.7
- Add scene headings to the "proofing" document. Based on PyWriter v12.14.0