The Netflix Clone is a web application built with React that replicates the user interface and functionality of the popular streaming service, Netflix. This project is designed to practice and showcase React development skills, including state management, API integration, and responsive design.
- User Interface: A visually appealing and responsive UI similar to Netflix.
- Search Functionality: Search movies by name or actor.
- Movie Trailers: Watch movie trailers directly within the app.
- Genre Classification: Browse movies by different genres for easy navigation.
- Dynamic Content: Connects to a movie database API to fetch and display real-time movie data.
- Frontend: React, React Router, Axios
- Styling: CSS, Styled Components, Material-UI
- API: The movie database API (e.g., TMDb)
- State Management: React Hooks, redux
- Version Control: Git
- Clone the repository: 2. Navigate to the project directory: cd netflixcloneApp 3. Installation npm install

Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas or improvements, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.
For any questions or feedback, please reach out to me at:
Email: LinkedIn: