A collection of Web Components, to (compose an awesome web app).
(Enter the development status here.)
$ npm run bootstrap
Start the local HTTP dev server and visit http://localhost:8081/demos/:
$ npm run dev
Rebuild the package distributions:
$ npm run build
Publish the built packages to NPM:
$ npm run publish
Use this mono-repository as a starting project template, to create, publish on NPM and maintain a collection of Web Components.
Every web component is in its own package in the packages/
folder and the demos/
folder contain example usage of each of them; or of the components together.
Clone this repository and bootstrap the project as mentioned above.
- Uses Lerna to manage the multiple packages;
- Lit-Element as the base class to create your Web Components;
- Polyserve as the local development HTTP server;
- and Rollup.js to produce ESM/CJS builds of the packages.
We wanted a quite minimal starter template, that would allow us to 1. create a collection of Web Components; 2. test & exercise & refine them with examples; 3. and easily publish them on NPM.
This template was inspired by @material-components/material-components-web-Components monorepo.
It can/should be extended with a custom build and your preferred testing toolchain — have a look at @PolymerLabs/start-lit-element for a custom build; and @material-components/material-components-web-Components for examples and inspiration for tests and an evolved build pipeline.