Hi! See my resumé for my professional work. Here in GitHub I contribute mainly small experimental work I do for myself.
The languages I code in include: JavaScript, Typescript, Perl, Prolog, Java, Groovy, C, Bash and Notation3.
For more links on my professional coding and software contributions see:
- MellonScholarlyCommunication, the software tools I create for my Mellon PhD project on decentralized scholarly communication.
- Event Notification in Value-Adding Networks, an asynchronous messaging protocol for scholarly communicaton, is the main contribution of this work.
- EYE, the software tools I create to for Notation3 and RDF Surfaces reasoning in RDF. Some highlights
- Notation3 by Example, a collection of Notation3 examples.
- Koreografeye, an Notation3 based orchestrator.
- lib-rdfs, a components library to express RDFS in Notation3.
- lib-owl, a components library to express OWL-DL in Notation3.
- Catmandu, an ETL toolkit for processing library data such as MARC, MAB, XML, OAI-PMH, BagIt, LIDO and many more