My docker containers and setups
In progress by now... To be continue...
Please, note that this setup was only tested on MacOSX
Clone this repository
cd to the repository folder
Create MySQL root password at dev/nginx-php-mysql-dev/access by renaming and changing password.example, or creating new file named "password"
cd to dev/nginx-php-mysql-dev
run "docker-compose up"
Place your site files at ~/projects/ or it's subdirectory
To configure mysql connections from your site use host mysql, user root and password, configured on step 3
Create nginx config for the site and name give it extension .conf and place it in dev/nginx-php-mysql-dev/conf.d/sites. Please note, that your host's documents folder ~/projects will be mapped to /usr/share/nginx/html of nginx container and /var/www/html of php container.
Configure your host's /etc/hosts to direct development domain to
Restart nginx container
Check that all works well
Report ussues here