Ansible Modules and Playbooks for use with Hostsharing webhosting packages.
Prerequisite for the use of these modules is to create a file "" in the home directory of the package admins. In it, you have to define the password of the package admin.
For example:
xyz00@h99:~$ cat
To call Ansible you need a so-called inventory. This is a list of servers or packages, or (more generally) of installations.
A Sample-Inventory:
xyz00 ansible_ssh_user=xyz00 pac=xyz00
Installation of wordpress by:
ansible-playbook -i /pfad/zum/inventory
Alternatively, the inventory is defined via an environment variable "ANSIBLE_HOSTS". For example:
export ANSIBLE_HOSTS=/home/user/.ansible_pacs
The module hsuser.js ensures that a particular account exists. Parameters:
- name : account name (including package prefix)
- password : account password
- exists : "true" account should be created / "false" account should be removed
The module hsdatabase.js ensures that a particular database and database user exist. Database and user have the same name. Parameters:
- instance : "mysql" or "postgresql"
- name : database and database-user name (including package prefix)
- password : database-user password
- exists : "true" database should be created / "false" database should be removed
The module hsdomain.js ensures that a particular domain exists. Parameters:
- name : domain name
- owner : domain admin user
- exists : "true" domain should be set up / "false" domain should be removed