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Releases: phpgt/PropFunc

Internal __prop data structure

23 Mar 12:47
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Sometimes it becomes useful to store the value of a class's magic properties internally, so this minor patch release introduced the __prop internal property, which can be access by any class using the MagicProp trait.

v1 release

23 Mar 11:53
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PropFunc is heavily used in due to the reliance on a the W3C specification. There have been minor improvements made since it was integrated within Dom, so now v1 is being released to allow Dom to get ready for its next stable release.

Have fun!

Refactored to drop inner key-value array

23 Mar 10:54
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This release finalises the way private/protected values should be accessed via the magic methods. Now if a class needs one of its public properties changing to read-only, it can do by making the property private/protected and implementing the magic getter.


17 Feb 17:28
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Tested Pre-release

The simple functionality of the repository is now tested. The main plans are for using with PHP.Gt/Dom, so before v1 is released it will be battle-tested in a few real world applications.