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Student Management System

This is a console-based Student Management System written in C++ that allows you to manage a list of students with functionalities to add, remove, update, and search student information. Student data is persisted in a JSON file.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Source Code Structure
  3. Design Patterns
  4. Dependencies
  5. Installation
  6. Compilation (Windows)
  7. Usage
  8. Screenshots
  9. Contributing
  10. License


The Student Management System provides the following functionalities:


  • Add New Student: Allows adding a new student to the system with details such as ID, name, date of birth, gender, faculty, course, program, address, email, phone number, and status.
  • Delete Student: Removes a student from the system based on their Student ID.
  • Update Student Information: Updates the information of an existing student based on their Student ID.
  • Search Student: Searches for students by name or Student ID.


  • Data storage: Using JSON for storing directly to local files.
  • Advanced Search: Allow students searching by Faculty filter.
  • Import/export records: Allow user to import records as CSV/JSON and vice versa.
  • Logging mechanism: System automatically logs any meaningful operations or errors for troubleshooting issues.
  • Development build information: Display build version and build date at the top of the console application, all information is stored in version_info.json file.
  • Dynamic attributes: Such attributes like Faculty, Program, Status is allowed to be added or audited by administrator. The system will provide 5 Faculty entities, 4 Status entities and 3 Program entities by default.

All student data is stored in a JSON file (students.json) for persistence. The system performs data validation on email, phone number, faculty, and student status.


  • Unique Student ID: Ensures that each Student ID (MSSV) is unique. When adding or updating student records, duplicate Student IDs are not allowed.

  • Configurable Email Domain: The system enforces email validation based on a specific domain, which can be configured dynamically. Example: Only accepts emails ending with

  • Phone Number Validation by Country: Validates phone numbers based on country-specific formats, which are configurable. Example: Vietnam phone numbers must start with +84 or 0[3|5|7|8|9]xxxxxxxx.

  • Restricted Student Status Transitions: Student status can only be changed following predefined rules, which are configurable. Example: "Đang học" → "Bảo lưu", "Tốt nghiệp", "Đình chỉ" (valid transitions). "Đã tốt nghiệp" cannot be reverted to "Đang học".

All these enhancements ensure data integrity and improve system configurability while maintaining the JSON-based storage approach.

Source Code Structure

The source code is structured as follows:

  • main.cpp: Contains the main function and the program's user interface.
  • Student class: Represents a student with attributes like ID, name, date of birth, etc., and methods for displaying information and serializing/deserializing to/from JSON.
  • StudentValidator class: An interface for validating student data.
  • ConcreteStudentValidator class: Implements the StudentValidator interface and provides concrete validation rules for email, phone number, faculty, and status.
  • StudentRepository class: A Singleton class responsible for managing the list of students, including adding, removing, searching, and updating student information. It also handles loading and saving data to the students.json file.
  • nlohmann/json.hpp: A header-only library for JSON manipulation, located in the nlohmann folder.
  • Logger.hpp: Provides a Logger class following the Singleton pattern to log system events into the student_management.log file.
  • ConfigManager.hpp: Manages system configuration, including valid email suffixes and phone number regex patterns. The configuration is stored and loaded from the config.json file.
  • RecordIO.hpp: Provides functions for exporting and importing data in CSV and JSON formats, enabling easy storage and retrieval of student information from files.
  • StatusRulesManager.hpp: Manages student status transition rules, such as from "Active" to "Graduated." These rules are stored and loaded from the status_rules.json file.

The application enforces the following validation rules:

  • Email: Checks for a valid email format (e.g., using a regular expression).
  • Phone Number: Validates that the phone number matches a specific format (e.g., using a regular expression or length check).
  • Faculty: Ensures that the entered faculty matches one of the allowed values:
    • Faculty of Law (FL)
    • Faculty of Business English (FBE)
    • Faculty of Japanese (FJPN)
    • Faculty of French (FFR)
  • Student Status: Validates that the entered status matches one of the allowed values:
    • Active
    • Graduated
    • Leave
    • Absent

Design Patterns

This project utilizes the following design patterns to improve its structure, maintainability, and extensibility:

  • Singleton: The StudentRepository class is implemented as a Singleton. This ensures that only one instance of the repository exists throughout the application's lifetime. This is beneficial for managing the student data in a centralized and controlled manner, preventing inconsistencies that might arise from multiple instances modifying the data.

    • Purpose: Ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
    • Implementation: A private constructor prevents direct instantiation. A static method (getInstance()) provides access to the single instance, creating it if it doesn't already exist.
  • Strategy: The StudentValidator interface and its concrete implementation (ConcreteStudentValidator) demonstrate the Strategy pattern. This pattern allows you to define a family of algorithms (in this case, validation rules) and make them interchangeable at runtime.

    • Purpose: Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.
    • Implementation: The StudentValidator interface defines the isValid() method. ConcreteStudentValidator implements this method with specific validation logic. The StudentRepository uses the StudentValidator interface, allowing it to easily switch between different validation strategies (e.g., a more strict validator, a validator that checks for data consistency with external systems, etc.) without modifying the StudentRepository class itself. This makes the validation process more flexible and extensible.


  • C++ Compiler: A C++11 compatible compiler (e.g., MinGW with g++, Microsoft Visual C++).
  • nlohmann/json library: A header-only JSON library for C++, located in the nlohmann folder within the project directory. The json.hpp file should be present in the nlohmann folder.


No explicit installation is required. Simply clone or download the source code and ensure you have the necessary dependencies. Specifically, make sure the nlohmann folder containing json.hpp is in the same directory as main.cpp.

Compilation (Windows)

Here's how to compile the program using either CodeBlocks or Visual Studio on Windows:


  1. Open CodeBlocks.
  2. Create a New Project:
    • Go to File -> New -> Project...
    • Select Console application and click Go.
    • Click Next.
    • Select C++ as the language.
    • Give your project a name (e.g., StudentManager) and choose a location. Click Next.
    • Ensure that the compiler is set to GNU GCC Compiler. Click Finish.
  3. Add Source File:
    • In the Project pane (usually on the left), right-click on Sources and select Add files...
    • Navigate to the location of your main.cpp file and select it. Click Open.
  4. Include Directory:
    • Right-click on your project's name in the Projects pane and select Build options...
    • Select the compiler (e.g., GNU GCC Compiler).
    • Go to the Search directories tab.
    • Under the Compiler tab, click Add.
    • Browse to the nlohmann folder (the one containing json.hpp) and select it. Click OK.
    • Click OK to close the Project build options window.
  5. Enable C++11:
    • Right-click on your project's name in the Projects pane and select Build options...
    • Select the compiler (e.g., GNU GCC Compiler).
    • Go to the "Compiler settings" tab
    • Check the box "Have g++ follow the C++11 ISO standard"
    • Click OK
  6. Build the Project:
    • Go to Build -> Build (or press Ctrl+F9).
  7. Run the Program:
    • Go to Build -> Run (or press Ctrl+F10).

Visual Studio

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Create a New Project:
    • Go to File -> New -> Project...
    • Select Console App (or Console Application).
    • Give your project a name (e.g., StudentManager) and choose a location. Click Create.
  3. Add Source File:
    • In the Solution Explorer pane (usually on the right), right-click on Source Files and select Add -> Existing Item...
    • Navigate to the location of your main.cpp file and select it. Click Add.
  4. Include Directory:
    • In the Solution Explorer pane, right-click on your project's name and select Properties.
    • In the Property Pages window, select C/C++ -> General.
    • In the Additional Include Directories field, add the path to the nlohmann folder (the one containing json.hpp). For example: $(SolutionDir)nlohmann.
    • Click Apply and then OK.
  5. Enable C++11 (or later):
    • In the Property Pages window, select C/C++ -> Language.
    • Set C++ Language Standard to ISO C++11 Standard (or a later standard like C++14 or C++17).
    • Click Apply and then OK.
  6. Build the Solution:
    • Go to Build -> Build Solution (or press Ctrl+Shift+B).
  7. Run the Program:
    • Go to Debug -> Start Without Debugging (or press Ctrl+F5).


To run the compiled program:

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the executable (if not running from the IDE): The executable will typically be located in a Debug or Release folder within your project directory.

  2. Execute the program:

    • From the command prompt or file explorer, run the executable file (e.g., StudentManager.exe).
    • If running from the IDE, the program will usually start automatically after building.
  3. Follow the on-screen menu to interact with the program:

    The program will present a menu with options to add, delete, update, and search students. Student data will be saved in the students.json file in the same directory as the executable.





Add a record


Delete a record

ex-screenshot ex-screenshot

Edit a record

ex-screenshot ex-screenshot

Search a record



Build information


Logging mechanism


Advanced search



Import/export records




Dynamic attributes




Unique student ID


Configurable phone number prefix


Configurable email suffix


Configurable status rules


Unit testing



The coding style is followed to the C++ coding standards. Use meaningful variable names, provide comments where necessary, and ensure the code is well-formatted.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







No packages published
