First install ansible in the controller. The easy way:
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible
The whole following chunk comes from @bomeara's repo I'm juts copy pasting here so we can modify it later
install ansible on the controller (lab18)
Then install ansible. For macs:
curl > ~/Downloads/
sudo python ~/Downloads/
sudo pip install ansible
sudo mkdir /etc/ansible/
copy the hosts to /etc/ansible/hosts
sudo cp hosts /etc/ansible/hosts
copy the R role:
ansible-galaxy install oefenweb.r
R shiny:
ansible-galaxy install oefenweb.shiny-server
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
for workers, install ubuntu 18.04. Then sudo apt install openssh-server
. Then sudo apt install python2.7 python-pip
and so forth
Make sure everything is working:
ansible all -m ping
playbooks are in the playbooks dir. (note -K and --ask-become-pass do the same thing)
update packages:
ansible-playbook -K updateapt.yml
If you want to update ubuntu and restart
ansible-playbook -K update_and_reboot.yml
If you want to update ubuntu and restart on one computer only,
ansible-playbook -K update_and_reboot_ask_for_host.yml
and it will ask you which host. Good for setting up a new host
If you want to install R and dependencies
ansible-playbook installR.yml --ask-become-pass
It'll ask you for your password to install R as sudo, then install on linux hosts
To add new R packages, add them to installR.yml. You can add packages from github or from CRAN: see examples below r_packages
. Remember to add type: github
for github ones
If you need to clobber R to reinstall,
ansible-playbook removeR.yml --ask-become-pass
For the head node ( do
ansible-playbook updateserver.yml --ask-become-pass
to set it up.
Adding slurm:
ansible-playbook install_slurm.yml --ask-become-pass