More stable PEL with several new features and documentation
3765 commits
to master
since this release
Although I don't manage PEL through a rigorous development process, and I still consider PEL in its early development cycle, I create release tags at some points to identify its evolution.
There were lots of updates since version 0.1.0, too many to describe here.
PEL is still in what I consider an early development phase.
Although most base features are stable, there's still several rough edges,
lots of packages and programming languages I want to support are not
properly supported.- I changed the instructions for installations on a new computer.
- Added lots of cross-reference links between the PDF sheets.
- Implemented a tempo skeleton generic file header block generation, and
specialized ones for C, Erlang and reStructuredText files. - Support for Erlang and C is mostly complete, but there are several packages
not supported yet. - Added support for sessions, projectile, hiding comments, hiding docstrings.
- Added ability to automatically download and install packages from some
non-Elpa compliant web sites (but path of Github) like EmacsAttic and
EmacsMirror. - Support for generation of images using PlantUML and Graphviz Dot directly
from within Emacs. - Support for several ways to deals with keys: Hydras, key-chord and key-seq,
avy and ace-link. - Support for voice dictation under macOS and AppleScript.
- Support for auto-completion using either auto-complete or company.
- Support for input completion with Help, Ivy, Ivy/Counsel as well as Ido.
- Support for bookmark management with bm.
- Support for virtual-regexp
- Key bindings to quickly access the customization buffer of several
customization groups. - and more...