- Receive metrics from http and cache them in redis
- Provide metrics as text for Prometheus
Difference from official pushgateway
- Use redis as cache, instead of memory, can be used as cluster
- Every metric can be set different expire time
- With no web ui
- Use json format data
- Env Config
S___Log_Level debug // log level
S___RedisAgent_PoolSize 200 // redis pool
S___RedisAgent_KeyCount 100
S___RedisAgent_PipelineWaitTime 3
S___RedisAgent_RedisDb 1
S___RedisAgent_RedisExpireTime 70
S___RedisAgent_RedisPassword redis
S___RedisAgent_RedisPort 6379
S___Server_Port 80
- Build
docker build -t pushgateway:1 .
- Provide k8s-srv.yml
- Json Format
"expire_time": 60, // metric expire time,default 1800s
"id": "", // primary id,such like ip or something unique
"job_name": "job_name", // your job name
"metrics": [
"metric_name": "cpu_usage", // metric name
"metric_value": 71, // value float64
"labels": {
"os": "linux"
- Push data with POST Method
- Prometheus Config
- job_name: pushgateway
scrape_interval: 1m // as you wish
scrape_timeout: 50s // as you wish too
metrics_path: /pushgateway/v0/metrics
scheme: http
- targets:
- your ip
MIT License