Bukkit plugin that lets you protect mounts with signed saddles (and carpets).
Spigot: spigotmc.org/resources/sddls.24049/
BukkitDev: dev.bukkit.org/projects/sddls
Mounts (horses, donkeys, mules, pigs, llamas) wearing signed saddle (or carpet in case of llamas) will be protected:
- from damage caused by other players and enviroment when no one is ridding them,
- from damage caused by other players when someone is ridding them,
- from being accessed by other players.
Players signed on the saddle will always have ability to damage, access inventory and ride protected mounts.
Just put it into crafting grid.
If saddle is already signed by the player who tries to sign it then all signatures will be wiped.
So give it only to players who you trust.
This plugin uses Gradle to manage dependecies and build process.
To create plugin file that can be dropped into server's /pluigns/
folder run command:
- on windows:
gradlew build
- on linux/mac:
./gradlew build
Compiled plugin file will be generated in /build/libs/
and named Sddls-{version}.jar
where {version}
will be replaced with plugin version.
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Adam Poloczek (piratjsk)
This project is licensed under MIT License.