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GNU Rocket
GNU Rocket is an intuitive new way of... bah, whatever. It's a sync-tracker,
a tool for synchronizing music and visuals in demoscene productions. It
consists of a GUI editor that runs on Microsoft Windows, and an ANSI C
library that can either communicate with the editor over a network socket,
or play back an exported data-set.

Compile Editor
GNU Rocket compiles using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. Open editor.sln and
select "Build" -> "Build Solution" from the menu to build the editor.

Compile Example
GNU Rocket contains an example client called example_bass. This is a simple
OpenGL, SDL 1.2 and BASS audio library application, that demonstrates how to
use the GNU Rocket API.

Before compiling the example, you need to make sure you have recent
SDL and BASS libraries and includes. These can be downloaded from the
following web-sites:

The header files and libraries can be installed local to the project by
copying all .lib-files to the example_bass/lib/, all .h files to
example_bass/inclide/, and all .dll files to the example_bass/.

Once the prerequisites are installed, the example can be compiled much like
the editor; by opening examples.sln and selecting "Build" -> "Build Solution"
from the menu.

Using the editor
The GNU Rocket editor is laid out like a music-tracker; tracks (or columns)
and rows. Each track represents a separate "variable" in the demo, over the
entire time-domain of the demo. Each row represents a specific point in time,
and consists of a set of key-frames. The key-frames are interpolated over time
according to their interpolation modes.

Interpolation modes
Each key-frame has an interpolation mode associated with it, and that
interpolation mode is valid until the next key-frame is reached. The different
interpolation modes are the following:

* Step   : This is the simplest mode, and always returns the key's value.
* Linear : This does a linear interpolation between the current and the next
           key's values.
* Smooth : This interpolates in a smooth fashion, the exact function is what
           is usually called "smoothstep". Do not confuse this mode with
           splines; this only interpolates smoothly between two different
           values, it does not try to calculate tangents or any such things.
* Ramp   : This is similar to "Linear", but additionally applies an
           exponentiation of the interpolation factor.

Keyboard shortcuts
Some of the GNU Rocket editor's features are available through the menu and
some keyboard shortcut. Here's a list of the supported keyboard shortcuts:

Up/Down/Left/Right        Move cursor
PgUp/PgDn                 Move cursor 16 rows up/down
Home/End                  Move cursor to begining/end
Ctrl+Left/Right           Move track
Enter                     Enter key-frame value
Del                       Delete key-frame
i                         Enumerate interpolation mode
k                         Toggle bookmark
Alt+PgUp/PgDn           Go to prev/next bookmark
Space                     Pause/Resume demo
Shift+Up/Down/Left/Right  Select
Ctrl+C                    Copy
Ctrl+V                    Paste
Ctrl+Z                    Undo
Shift+Ctrl+Z              Redo
Ctrl+B                    Bias keyframes
Shift+Ctrl+Up/Down        Quick-bias by +/- 0.1
Ctrl+Up/Down              Quick-bias by +/- 1
Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn            Quick-bias by +/- 10
Shift+Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn      Quick-bias by +/- 100

Bugs and feed-back
Please report bugs or other feed-back to the GNU Rocket mailing list:

Patches or technical questions can be sent to the developer-list:


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