- Frankfurt, Germany
docker-ca-gateway Public
Docker image of the EPICS Channel Access Gateway
canoremote Public
Remote control your Canon EOS 200D, 800D and many more via BLE with this async python code.
brother_ql Public
Python package for the raster language protocol of the Brother QL series label printers (QL-500, QL-550, QL-560, QL-570, QL-700, QL-710W, QL-720NW, QL-800, QL-810W, QL-820NWB, QL-1050, QL-1060N and…
brother_ql_web Public
A Python-based web service to print labels on Brother QL label printers. Based on brother_ql: https://github.com/pklaus/brother_ql
universal_usbtmc Public
Universal Python Interface For Different USBTMC Backends.
smrt Public
Python package to control TP-Link Easy Smart switches (version 1.0)
wsgi-request-logger Public
A WSGI HTTP-Request Logger
MaxiGauge Public
A tool written in Python to log data from a Pfeiffer MaxiGauge Vacuum Gauge controller. Includes a Web Server to display the pressure history on the web.
pipewire-config Public
My personal set of PipeWire configuration files.
An EPICS archiver storing the archive in the Binary Time Series Format (.btsf). Currently this software is a proof of concept!
Python UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
caproto-archiver Public
An EPICS Archiver based on caproto (currently a proof of concept!)
Python UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
mvd_epics_docker Public
The repository hosting the Dockerfile source code for https://hub.docker.com/r/pklaus/mvd_epics/
docker-epics Public
Dockerfiles for my EPICS Base and contApps Docker images
jinja2-render Public
A Python Tool to Simplify the Automated Creation of a Dockerfile Using Jinja2 Templates
docker-phoebus-archiver Public
Dockerfiles for the Phoebus archive-engine Service (formerly the CSS RDB Archiver / BEAUTY)
MIMOSIS1_DataConverter_unix Public
Forked from RomaBugiel/MIMOSIS1_DataConverter_unixData Converter for MIMOSIS1 from DAQ data format (RAW, DEC, FIRED) to ROOT Tree data format and optionally other formats read by physics-analysis purpose projects (like TAF).
C++ UpdatedMay 16, 2021 -
docker-epics-directory Public
A directory of my EPICS-related Docker containers
MIMOSIS1_PhysicsAnalysis_unix Public
Forked from RomaBugiel/MIMOSIS1_PhysicsAnalysis_unixThe software that performs a simple physics analysis for laboratory test of MIMOSIS1: noise calculation, threshold scans, pulse high scans.
C++ UpdatedMay 14, 2021 -
btsf Public
btsf - Binary Time Series File - A Python package to store your data in a condensed and fast yet flexible way
blinkstickgo Public
Forked from different55/blinkstickgoA libusb-based Go package for controlling the BlinkStick line of products
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 12, 2020 -
ds1054z Public
Python package for the Rigol DS1054Z Oscilloscope