A basic clojure library for working with HL7 messages. Provides core functions for working with HL7 message streams, and built-in task functionality that use the core functions. C
A simple task that routes a source of HL7 messages to a target process. This task is configured via commandline options:
- -s, --source : The type of source to retrieve the HL7 messages from. Defaults to 'resource'.
- -t, --target : The type of target to send the HL7 messages to. Defaults to 'counter'.
- -so, --source-options : Key/Value options used by the source. Theses are source specific. Is passed in the form of URL parameters and must be quoted.
- -to, --target-options : Key/Value options used by the target. Theses are target specific. Is passed in the form of URL parameters and must be quoted.
Pulls the HL7 messages from a file off the classpath. Uses the following source options:
- path : The path to the resource from the root of the classpath.
Pulls the HL7 messages from a file off the file system. Uses the following source options:
- path : The path to the file from the root of the file system.
Pulls the HL7 messages from a URI location. Uses the following source options:
- uri : The fully formed URI to the HL7 messages.
Counts all of the messages from the source and prints it out to the console. Good for debugging. No Parameters are needed.
Writes the messages to batch files, partitioning to files based off of a partitioning function. Uses the following source options:
- directory : The path to the directory where the files are saved to.
- prefix : A prefix to use when naming the output files.
- suffix : A suffix to use when naming the output files. This would include the extension.
- append : If true, and the file already exists, the data will be appended to it. Defaults to false.
- partitioner : The name of the partitioner to use. The partitioner provides a string that, along with the prefix and suffix, determine the name of the file to save the messages to. The current partitioners are:
- msg-hour : Returns a the date of the HL7 message in the format of YYYYMMDDhh.
# Using Lein
lein run -m pliant.hl7.task.router -so "uri=file:/hl7/ADT_201310.hl7" -to "partitioner=msg-hour&directory=/hl7&prefix=ADT_&suffix=.hl7" -s uri -t splitter
# Using Java from Command Line
java -jar hl7-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar pliant.hl7.task.router -so "uri=file:/ADT_201310.hl7" -to "partitioner=msg-hour&directory=/hl7&prefix=ADT_&suffix=.hl7" -s uri -t splitter
Copyright © 2013 Daniel Rugg
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.