footage created with Canon C100 in AVCHD, some footage at 50 fps
log and transfer AVCHD footage with fcp7 and transcode to prores 422 HQ master files, for footage at 50 fps with ffmpeg
convert AVCHD C100 clips in prores and from 50 fps to 25 fps with ffmpeg:
create batch file:
$ ls > file_list.txt
$ cat file_list.txt | awk '{print "ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:v prores_ks -profile:3 -o -r 25 "$1".mov"}' >
create a script which is a list of terminal commands like this below:
$ ffmpeg -i 00001.MTS -c:v prores_ks -profile:3 -o -r 25
add #!/bin/bash and do chmod 777
$ ./
use Davinci to create DNxHD 36 8 bit files for Avid from Prores