file name | Usage |
adaptors.py | adaptors for converting cbecs data to processor input |
construction_meta_validator.py | validate construction meta json file (../resources/construction_meta.json ) |
constructions.py | construction processor |
generate_hvac.rb | ruby osstd hvac generation call file |
geometry.py | geometry processor |
geometry_settings.json | geometry processor config file |
hvac.py | hvac processor |
hvac_settings.json | hvac processor config file |
loads.py | loads processor |
loads_settings.json | loads processor config file |
new_hvac.py | temperary hvac testing file for new hvac systems, not used in production workflow |
preprocessor.py | proprocessor used for organizing adaptors |
processed_loads_sample.json | temporary file to show loads input format |
processed_schedule_sample.json | temporary file to show schedule input format |
rbcalls | temporary folder for ruby calls testing |
recipes.py | utility functions imported and used in other places |
reference-2020-04-30.bib | accidentally added ? lol ;D |
schedule.py | schedule processor |
schedule_database.json | used by schedule processor, probably should be put in resources folder |
schedule_preparation.py | used by schedule processor |
schedule_settings.json | schedule processor config file |
standard_excel_processor.py | generate raw input json files from excel spreadsheet |
workflow.py | python cells to execute the whole workflow |
- Insure you are using constance7a since normal constance doesn't have singularity.
- Currently, the source data comes from input/cbecs-standardized-200715.xlsx. Make any edits to input data here.
- cd into src/ subdirectory
- Run "sbatch run.sbatch"
- Track any output/error messages in the run.out and run.err text files
(Airflow adoption on the new implementation is on hold.)
Running the code requires the following environments:
- Python 3.5+ (The code is tested with 3.7.5)
- Apache-Airflow (The code is tested with Airflow 1.10.7 and its defautl DB of SQLite3)
- Linux (I had some issues setting up Airflow on Windows. Running Airflow using Docker or WSL on Windows 10 are tested and good)
Follow the quick start guide to start the airflow service. Make sure to have environment variable
set up before running the the airflow db (airflow scheduler
) and webserver(airflow webserver -p 8080
). The database only needs to be initialized (airflow initdb
) once, unless there are running errors. Before initializing the database, also make sure thatAIRFLOW_HOME
is set properly. -
is empty, then the airflow running folder is default to~/airflow
- schedule change to non stochastic
- occupancy control: add occ based lighting control through schedule factor
- (code change) exterior fixtures: add one object (exterior lighting), with two inputs, schedule and design level.
- control electrical equipment schedule: similar to occupancy based lighting control
- (code change) improve electrical/gas equipment efficiency: add obe object for gas equipment
- (code change)shading overhang: add one object. one std input (overhang depth)
- (potential code change) vestibule / improve door: don't add door, but change infiltration rate and schedule. add std input: nodoor / door w/wo vestibule
- advanced control operation: change operation schedule
- HVAC setpoints
- (osstd code review before code change) economizer: check if economizer operation can be switched.
- (osstd code review before code change) DCV
- (osstd code review before code change) heat recovery: check ERV code in OSSTD
- (osstd code review before code change) SWH: check OSSTD. std input: swh efficiency, water temp setpoint.
- 05/04/2020:
- modify geometry processor to accomodate no core zone cases. Tested with CBECS 2 (w/ core) & 3 (w/o core).
- 05/03/2020:
- Schedule preprocessor in place.
- 04/29/2020:
- Construction processor and preprocessor in place.
- 04/25/2020:
- Loads preprocessor in place.
- 04/20/2020:
- Add standard input loading
- modify unit conversion to include post-conversion units and addtitional conversions
- 04/21/2020:
- Add multi-storey capacity
- Add schedule generator interface.
- Add loads generator interface.
The following python pakcages need to be installed for using the framework
- eppy
- geomeppy
- esoreader
- apache-airflow
- notebook
- pandas
We use black to format python code of this repository
Apache-airflow is used for workflow implementation and management. This modulize the framework and provides lots of features to run and manage the process. I also tried Metaflow and decided to go with Airflow because:
- Airflow has a feature-rich web-based UI, while Metaflow is purely CLI
- Metaflow has better documentation and community support, while Metaflow is just open-sourced
- Metaflow is AWS embeded, while Airflow are less oppinioned
- I tried to build AWS service for Metaflow and it is very non-trivial with bad documentation, while Airflow has AWS Batch operator already included (not tried yet)
Sample I/O files are included in the repo at this moment for development purpose.