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@eteubert eteubert released this 10 Mar 13:56
· 4232 commits to master since this release

All-new, mighty Templating system

You can now use the Twig Template Syntax in all templates. Access all podcast/episode data via the new template API. Please read the Template Guide to get started.

If you have used templates before, please note that some shortcodes are now DEPRECATED. That means they still work but will be removed at some point. Following is a list of affected shortcodes and their replacements:

Instead of [podlove-web-player], write {{ episode.player }}.

Instead of [podlove-podcast-license], write {{ podcast.license.html }}.

Instead of [podlove-episode-license], write {{ episode.license.html }}.

Instead of [podlove-episode field="subtitle"], write {{ episode.subtitle }}. Instead of [podlove-episode field="summary"], write {{ episode.summary }} etc. When in doubt, look at the Episode Template Reference.

Changing the podcast data shortcodes works exactly the same: Instead of [podlove-podcast field="title"], write {{ podcast.title }} etc. When in doubt, look at the Podcast Template Reference.

Other Changes

  • Feature: The Podlove dashboard includes a section for feeds if you activate the "Feed Validation" module. It is intended as an overview for the state of your feeds. It shows the latest modification date, the number of entries, compressed and uncompressed size and the latest item. Additionally, you can validate your feeds against the w3c feed validator right from the dashboard.
  • Feature" Better Bitlove integration. There is a new setting in Podlove > Podcast Feeds > Directory Settings called "Available via Bitlove?". It checks if there is a corresponding Bitlove feed and verifies it on a regular basis.
  • Feature: Support for the oEmbed format
  • New shortcode: [podlove-episode-list] lists all episodes including their episode image, publication date, title, subtitle and duration chronologically. This replaces the archive pages generated by the Archivist - Custom Archive Templates plugin, if you are using it right now.
  • New shortcode: [podlove-feed-list] lists all public feeds
  • New shortcode: [podlove-global-contributor-list] shows all podcast contributors and lists related episodes.
  • New shortcode: [podlove-podcast-contributor-list] shows regular podcast contributors
  • Enhancement: The feed title may now include the asset title for easier discovery. This setting can be found at Podlove > Feed Settings
  • Changed shortcode: [podlove-contributor-list] is DEPRECATED. Please use [podlove-episode-contributor-list] instead.
  • Enhancement: add "autogrow" feature to chaptermarks text field
  • Enhancement: globally hide the migration-tool banner once dismissed rather than per-client via cookie
  • Fix: When setting the chapter asset to manual, delete all chapter caches to avoid hiccups
  • Fix: Contributor links in the backend use an ID now rather than the contributor slug. That way they work when no slug is set.
  • Fix ADN backslash escaping issue in post titles
  • Fix: all contributions can be deleted