3707 commits
to master
since this release
- fix social repair module
- empty rss feeds now render properly
- fix issue of randomly breaking URLs
- fix missing files when using auto-publish feature by automatically validating files before publishing
- fix "open" link for last contributor donations item
- fix javascript error in license ui
New Features
- add basic client-side input validation to avoid typing errors: Leading and trailing whitespace will be removed automatically. URL and email fields are automatically syntax checked.
- add support for scientific networks: ResearchGate, ORCiD, Scopus
- add explicit support dor "Duplicate Post" plugin: duplicated episodes now regenerate GUIDs and contributions are copied, too
Enhancements & Others
- contributors form:
- switch public name and real name fields
- remove public email field (see deprecations)
- move contact email field to general section
- ADN module: add option to not fall back on episode cover when no episode image is present
- adjust Bitlove script so it plays well with https sites
- include date in tracking export filename
- move web player settings to expert settings
- public contributor emails are handled by the social module now, instead of being a contributor attribute
Deprecations & Migration
If you are using {{ contributor.publicemail }}
in your templates, you should change it to something like the following:
{% for service in contributor.services({type: "email"}) %}
<a target="_blank" href="{{ service.profileUrl }}">{{ service.rawValue }}</a>
{% endfor %}