this is an quick and dirty implementation of the boids algorithm using cnlohr's rawdraw
there are 3 main rule that guides every boid
eventually goal seeking with be added for your mouse cursor but lets not get ahead of ourselves
test test test
whats working now
basic window with fps counter, window size and
can draw regular polygons
can draw a bird-ish shape
bird struct
CNFGDrawRegPoly(short sides, short radius) is now a thing inside rawdraw, but is never used next
rotation of bird shape DONE make birds start with nice spacing ALT (place random, then place all evenly on the left side) point towards mouse (in a function, not used/wonky) smoothly point towards mouse (not needed) get bird "moving" towards mouse > they move get birds moving alone, randomly in the void > DONE avoid crashing into edge
bird sensing other birds
bird sense with cone of vision (display this)
bird collision
add sliders
Other todos
limit window size after open/start clean up variable definitions
reoder functions
remove ununsed code
make engine steps not tied to frame rate
basic window with fps counter, window size and
can draw regular polygons
can draw a bird-ish shape
bird struct
CNFGDrawRegPoly(short sides, short radius) is now a thing inside rawdraw, but is never used next
rotation of bird shape
make birds start with nice spacing
get bird "moving"
avoid crashing into edge
bird sensing other birds
bird sense with cone of vision (display this)
bird collision
add sliders
Other todos
clean up variable definitions
reoder functions
remove ununsed code rawdraw webasm add to gitpage
make engine steps not tied to frame rate
no of boids based on resolution