LED Oxide is an HTTP API to devices running the LEDStripController firmware. As LedStripController devices are only controlled via a USB / serial interface, LED Oxide's goal is to provide a lightweight network control layer.
LedStripController is a firmware that controls RGB LED Strip lighting via an ASCII protocol over serial interface. The LedStripController source can be found at: https://github.com/pot8oe/ledstripcontroller .
LED Oxide is only useful if you have a device running LedStripController firmware, which should run on most Arduino hardware but has primarily been tested on Teensy 3.2 devices: https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy32.html
The following has been tested on Ubuntu Linux but should be adaptable on other Linux distributions. It is also assumed Rust language tools have been installed.
Build using the standard rust tools.
Clone repository
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github-pot8oe.com:pot8oe/led_oxide.git && cd led_oxide
LED Oxide uses Rocket which requires rust nightly.
rustup default nightly
Make sure rust is at the latest
rustup update
Install libdev development package.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y sudo apt install -y libudev-dev
Run LED Oxide
cargo run
If you want to develop and run led_oxide unit tests.
cargo test
Some tests require hardware running LedStripController firmware to be accessible. Make sure an LedStripController based device is plugged in and run.
cargo test -- --ignored
Build a docker image.
Clone repository
git clone git@github-pot8oe.com:pot8oe/led_oxide.git && cd led_oxide
Change into source directory
cd led_oxide
Build docker Image
docker build -t led_oxide:0.1 .
Obtain the docker image and use the following command to run container.
`docker run -p --device=/dev/ttyACM0 -t led_oxide_wip_0.1 & `
LED Oxide default port is 8000 so we have to export the container port to the host with:
Container needs access to the LedStripController device's serial port.