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Merge pull request #14 from potree/develop
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m-schuetz authored Nov 28, 2022
2 parents 30c8ebe + eddc946 commit ecb834c
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,021 additions and 226 deletions.
31 changes: 12 additions & 19 deletions .vscode/launch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,42 +19,35 @@
"args": [

// "D:/temp/cpotree/eclepens_2.0.0",
// "D:/temp/cpotree/sitn_dip_2.0",

// "-o", "stdout",
"-o", "D:/temp/cpotree/cpotree_2.0.potree",
// "-o", "D:/temp/cpotree/cpotree_2.0_v1.potree",
// "-o", "D:/temp/cpotree/cpotree_2.0.laz",

"-o", "D:/temp/cpotree/ca13.potree",
"--coordinates", "{694318.960,3915935.650,5.160},{695224.090,3917784.060,23.280}",
"--width", "1.0",

// extract_profile

//"--coordinates", "{-265.573, -190.931}, {127.204, 182.649}, {244.797, -373.526}",
//"--width", "1.0",
// "--coordinates", "{-265.573, -190.931}, {127.204, 182.649}, {244.797, -373.526}",
// "--width", "1.0",

"--coordinates", "{2524740.130, 1197228.920, 1241.990}, {2524224.210, 1197350.780, 1213.580}, {2524150.880, 1197871.160, 1120.780}, {2524831.190, 1197878.490, 1135.780}",
"--width", "1.0",

// cpotree

// eclepens
//"matrix(876.5565085281047, 520.4709535432061, 0, 0, -3.0347254435531394, 5.110964062515199, 0, 0, 0, 0, 394.6308697620615, 0, -11.199203993909487, 75.63904922819503, 71.4624555159539, 1) matrix(6.78446909827727, 5.896560383403058, 0, 0, -721.9792295699667, 830.6954315947436, 0, 0, 0, 0, 226.56029219339297, 0, -154.338764178767, -38.73286531197823, -0.7124356507727185, 1)",
//"profile(2.0123, [-265.573, -190.931], [127.204, 182.649], [244.797, -373.526])",
// "--coordinates", "{2524740.130, 1197228.920, 1241.990}, {2524224.210, 1197350.780, 1213.580}, {2524150.880, 1197871.160, 1120.780}, {2524831.190, 1197878.490, 1135.780}",
// "--width", "1.0",

// common

// "--output-attributes", "rgb", "intensity",
"--min-level", "0",
"--max-level", "2",

"--max-level", "20",
// "--get-candidates",

Expand Down
83 changes: 80 additions & 3 deletions .vscode/settings.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,92 @@
"workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
"files.associations": {
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"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "never",
"editor.formatOnType": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
Expand All @@ -23,4 +95,9 @@
"workbench.tree.indent": 30,
"cmake.configureOnOpen": true,
"C_Cpp.default.configurationProvider": "ms-vscode.cmake-tools",
"editor.autoClosingQuotes": "never",
"editor.autoSurround": "never",
"[yaml]": {
"editor.autoIndent": "advanced"
Binary file added docs/example_display/cpotree_1.6.potree
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added docs/example_display/cpotree_2.0_v1.potree
Binary file not shown.

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