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Closed Mar 12, 2018 100% complete

Focus on queries and OPTs.


  1. migration: OPTIndex create organizationUid with the correspondent organization that owns the OPT.
  2. migration: for #776 OperationalTemplateIndex has setId, versionNumber and lastVersion that are mandatory.
  3. migration: for #778 OperationalTemplateIndex.isPublic was removed
  4. migration: for #627 Query.isDeleted boolean was a…

Focus on queries and OPTs.


  1. migration: OPTIndex create organizationUid with the correspondent organization that owns the OPT.
  2. migration: for #776 OperationalTemplateIndex has setId, versionNumber and lastVersion that are mandatory.
  3. migration: for #778 OperationalTemplateIndex.isPublic was removed
  4. migration: for #627 Query.isDeleted boolean was added
  5. migration: existing query criteria should have all negation columns in false #839
  6. migration: DataCriteria.negation was removed
  7. migration: operational template index share was removed, delete table
  8. filesystem: created opt/org_uid folders and moved opts to their org folders

9. bootstrap/migration: add default Account for default Organization, in prod create Accounts
10. migration: PlanAssociation removed organizationUid, added account
11. migration: associate PlanAssociation with Accounts
12. added accounts to RequestMap for ADMINs

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