- Docker DeskTop with Kubernetes enabled
- Node v20
- yarn
- skaffold
- Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/ppreetii/employee_recognition_system-microservices.git
- Install packages: yarn
- Update .env file with your credential
- Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, and find "hosts" file, open it in administrator mode, add this line and save. This is basically we are telling our os to redirect this domain to our localhost: reward.com
- Install ingress-nginx by applying yaml file: kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.8.2/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
- Apply this kubectl command manually:
kubectl create secret generic task-db-user-secret --from-literal=DB_USER=<db-user-value>
kubectl create secret generic task-db-password-secret --from-literal=DB_PASSWORD=<db-pswd-value>
Check if secrets are added.If you donot see the secrets , reapply them using above command:
kubectl get secrets
- Install skaffold ( chocolatey must be installed to run this command ):
choco install -y skaffold
- To start all services, run this command in root directory terminal ( or directory where skaffold.yaml file is present ) -
skaffold dev
- If you want to delete all created pods -
skaffold delete
- To run test cases, go to desired service directory, and run:
yarn test
- If services are failing to connect to raabitmq pod, restart services' pods -
kubectl rollout restart deployment
When we are adding a service, and wanted to add its routes to work on local cluster, we follow these steps:
- Create a Dockerfile for the service
- Build its image by the command. Make sure you are in the service root directory.There is dot in the end.Donot miss it. Image tag = dockerHubID/srv-name:
docker build -t [image tag] .
,e.g, docker build -t preeti097/auth . - Push your image to Docker hub:
docker push [image tag]
, e.g, docker push preeti097/auth - Add new service deployment yaml file inside infra/k8s folder with name "servicename-depl.yaml", e.g, auth-depl.yaml.
- Add the routes configuration inside skaffold.yaml. Make sure the context value = corresponding folder name of the service , e.g, auth,project,task,employee,etc. And image value = image tag name given above