- 🔭 I’m currently working on few Azure-Samples
- 🌱 I’m currently learning LLM and LLMOps in depth
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- LLMAgentOps Toolkit for Semantic Kernel
- Azure OpenAI in IoT device (your personalised chatbot)
- Automated Test Environment for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Applications — using kind
- Dealing with Helm Charts of micro-services with interdependent API end points
- Mocking during Python Unit Testing with Azure Event Hubs and SQL Database
- Azure Architecture Center: Design and develop a RAG solution
- Azure Architecture Center: Baseline OpenAI end-to-end chat reference architecture
- Azure Architecture Center: Orchestrate MLOps on Azure Databricks using Databricks Notebook
- Patterns for Vision on the Edge - Part 1 - Concurrent processing
- Patterns for Vision on the Edge - Part 2 - Handling Multiple Consumers