Filim is a movie application which is made for downloading the torrent movies. It covers all the genre and category of movies. It is used for downloading the torrent file for the movies.
This application is divided into the three:
Data Layer
Domain Layer
Presentation Layer
Until now, this application doesn't strictly follows the pattern of clean code architecture but this application follows the layout of the clean code architecture along with the main principle.
Package Name | Version | Purpose |
Flutter_bloc | ^7.0.1 | Used for state management |
cached_network_image | ^3.0.0 | Used for caching the image from internet |
carousel_slider | ^4.0.0 | used for creating animated slider |
connectivity | ^3.0.6 | used for checking internet connection |
equatable | ^2.0.2 | used for comparing the objects |
hive | ^2.0.4 | used for local database |
http | ^0.13.3 | used for the network call |
path_provider | ^2.0.5 | used to get the path from device |
shimmer | ^2.0.0 | used for creating animating loading effect |
youtube_player_flutter | ^8.0.0 | used for playing the video from youtube |
Get latest movies
Get movies based on genre
View all movies sorted by ratings
Watch trailer
Download movie (If torrent downloader app already exists on phone)
Add movies to favourite
View favourite movies list
Search movies
Generate random movies based on genre and ratings
Feedback form
Network Connection handled in professional way
Re-useable widgets through out the application
Clean code and maintained folder structure
App logic and ui is seperated
Custom navigator page transistions
custom animation in favorite button
Thank you for being here 😄