Tesk task for JS Ninjas using ReactTS, Zustand, ExpressJS, MongoDB. Tech interview was about fucking puzzles and simple IQ questions. The most ridiculous tech interview I have ever seen.
- Create, edit, delete hero
- Avatar for hero
- Nice modal window using portals to create and edit a hero
- Editing is only available on the current HeroPage
- Heroes sorted by creating date
- Pagination
- See the details of one particular superhero
- Responsive design
- Unit tests
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file in the main folder
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/prmakk/jsninjas_test_task
Go to the project directory
cd jsninjas_test_task
Install dependencies for the backend
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Install dependencies for the frontend
cd ./frontend
npm install
Start the app
npm run dev
Client: React, Typescript, Zustand, React Toaster
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB