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Ahmet Cecen edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

Project-pages template has a page that displays information about the main users/authors of the blog. This information is also used to suggest readers more content.

The information here is managed through a file in the _data folder. To edit this information so you really own the blog, open the editor and go to your project-pages instance.

Navigate to the _data folder, then click on members.yml. The information here is formatted similarly to the config file you edited earlier. Here is the correspondence between the parameters here and what they display on the blog:

- name: Ahmet Cecen
  role: Data Scientist / Materials Informatics
  github: ahmetcecen
  bio: Ahmet Cecen is currently pursuing a PhD in Computational Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology.  He earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Drexel University. Ahmet has been doing research in the fields of computational materials science and materials informatics for the past 6 years, throughout his undergraduate and graduate studies. His current research focus is on leveraging statistical analysis and machine learning tools to solve big data analytics problems in materials science. 
  visible: true

The only remaining parameter is visible, which you can use to have hidden members in the blog. If you change this to visible: false, the information for this member will not appear on the "Members" page in the blog.

Every member starts with a dash, so you can delete members by deleting the entire section, or you can copy and paste it to create new members.

Adding Collaborators

If you intend to have more than one member editing this blog, you need to add them as a collaborator. Going back to the landing page of the Project-Pages Editor, click on the "group" icon (2 guys standing next to each other) on the project-pages card:

This will direct you back to GitHub. This page will look different in different cases, but it will always have the Collaborators box. Here you can add a collaborator by their GitHub name or email address.

Once you do, when they log in to Project-Pages Editor with their account, they should see a blue card (blue meaning they don't own the blog) with the repository name on it:

Users can interact with a blue card the same way as they do with a red card, with the exception of adding collaborators.

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