Program to search a word in multiple txt files thanks to Open MPI distribution. Program developed for an assignment during my fourth year in the Griffith College (Dublin)
This program needs Open MPI to work. Open MPI is a library for distributed system in C++.
Try to follow this steps to install open MPI on your system :
- Windows: Sorry, cannot help you on this one :(
- Mac OS: Instructions
- Linux: Instructions
You have to unzip and compile with text files at the same place of the c++ file. Modify on the program text files name if you want to add nodes or different text files. Feel free to upgrade it to give text files through the command line.
mpic++ name_searcher.cpp -o <executable-name>
mpiexec -n 4 <executable-name> <text-to-search>
example: mpiexec -n 4 ./a.out is