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@aqw aqw released this 23 Oct 13:46
· 204 commits to main since this release

This release is by far the most substantial in Onyo's brief history. It includes over a year of development and a significant rearchitecting of Onyo. Pretty much everything has been changed or improved one way or another.

The highlights are:


  • All changes are performed in memory or temporary files before being accepted by the user. Changes are not longer staged in-repo and (potentially) rolled back.
  • An Inventory Operations Summary is generated and included in the commit message and alongside the diff when prompting the user for review.
  • Asset names are now user-definable via the configuration.
  • All keys are included in the asset content. Asset names no longer contain unique data.
  • Diffs are colorized.
  • Comments in assets and templates are preserved.
  • git's core.editor is now also considered when selecting an editor.
  • All assets start with YAML's (optional) opening header ---. This can be useful when using cat on multiple assets, and still yields a valid YAML stream.
  • Editors are more likely to use YAML syntax highlighting due to the YAML header (---) and temporary files ending with .yaml.


  • Main entry point now is an Inventory object. All operations are available as methods of this class. Operations are prepared in-memory and are written upon Inventory.commit(). All command implementations are build on top of this.
  • Implementations of Onyo commands are available from lib.commands.onyo_*.
  • Repo() is now split into OnyoRepo() and GitRepo()
    • Loads of non-repo-related functionality has been split out into separate utilities.

Command Changes

  • --dry-run is removed from all commands. All diffs are done in memory and the user is prompted before applying.
  • -m, --message can be passed multiple times, each generating its own paragraph (matching git's behavior)
  • onyo edit now prompts for "yes, edit, skip, abort" rather than just "yes, no".
  • onyo get no longer always returns the path key. Only the keys specified by --keys are returned.
  • onyo get's return codes now match grep's (0 for results, 1 for none found, 2 for error).
  • onyo mkdir no longer errors when the target directory exists
  • onyo new can now -c, --clone from an existing asset (i.e. use an asset as a template).
  • onyo new --path is renamed to --directory.
  • onyo rm's --asset and --dir flags are removed.
  • onyo rm is no longer recursive by default, and has a --recursive flag.
  • onyo set --rename has been removed. Keys that are used in the asset name are not considered any more special than other keys.
  • onyo tree now has a -d, --dirs-only flag.

Pseudo Keys

Two new pseudo keys have been introduced:

  • directory: the parent directory of an asset. Can be queried with get or set with onyo new either in --keys or TSV file.
  • is_asset_directory: see Asset Directories section

Nested Dictionaries

Onyo now supports referencing nested dictionaries using a "dot notation" (e.g. This allows much, much more structure to the data in assets.

Asset Directories

Assets can now also be a directory (with the actual content in a hidden file in the dir). This allows assets to contain assets, such as a server with many hard drives, network adapters, etc.

All commands have been updated to work with asset directories.

onyo mkdir on an existing asset file will convert it into an asset directory.

The is_asset_directory Pseudo Key has been added to query with onyo get and can also be controlled with onyo set and onyo new.


Filtering has been completely overhauled. It has been removed from all commands set and unset) except for get. Now, output from get (notably the path key) should be piped into other commands. onyo set and onyo unset have renamed --path to --asset to accept a list of assets to operate on.

Meanwhile, onyo get's filtering has been improved. --filter is now renamed --match and supports Python regular expressions.

Directories can be included or excluded with --include or --exclude.

Output can be sorted with the --sort-ascending and --sort-descending flags. Output can be sorted by multiple keys. Matching and sorting can be performed on keys that are not included in the output.

Tab Completion

Tab completion help text is now greatly improved. It has been reduced from paragraphs of help text (which was of little use and could even break the shell at times) to terse, useful summaries.

Mutually exclusive flags are no longer suggested.

Many assorted bugs fixed with onyo --onyopath and spaces in the repo path.


Significant improvements have been made to the help text content, layout, and highlighting.

Docstrings now use the NumPy format and have seen much improvement. More work is to come in future releases.

ReadTheDocs now renders docstrings for the Python API.

Other content in ReadTheDocs has received some small cleanup and improvements, but comparatively less than help text and docstrings. Major improvements will come in a later release.


The Python version required by Onyo is bumped from 3.9 to 3.11.

The dependency on tree has been dropped.
