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(maint) Run tests in parallel across jvms via test-in-parallel
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Partition the test namespaces with regard to runtimes and run them in
a specified number of jvms via lein test.  See the
--test-in-parallel-help output and the namespace docs for additional

Recommend treating this with some caution for now, i.e. perhaps useful
for faster local testing, with any final results double-checked via
"lein test".
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rbrw authored and austb committed Oct 30, 2024
1 parent a3f7e74 commit 2c2efc9
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Showing 2 changed files with 258 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
(def pdb-dev-deps
[timofreiberg/bultitude "0.3.1"]
[puppetlabs/trapperkeeper :classifier "test"]
[puppetlabs/kitchensink :classifier "test"]
[com.puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty10 :classifier "test"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,6 +327,9 @@
:aliases {"kondo" ["with-profile" "+kondo" "run" "-m" "clj-kondo.main"]
"clean" ~(pdb-run-clean pdb-clean-paths)
"distclean" ~(pdb-run-clean pdb-distclean-paths)
"test-in-parallel" ["run"
"-m" "puppetlabs.puppetdb.test-in-parallel/main"
"--test-paths" :project/test-paths]
"time-shift-export" ^{:doc (clojure.string/join "" ["Shifts all timestamps from a PuppetDB archive with"
" the period between the most recent one in the archive and the one "
"you provide, or the current date."])}
Expand Down
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions test/puppetlabs/puppetdb/test_in_parallel.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
(ns puppetlabs.puppetdb.test-in-parallel
"Supports \"lein test-in-parallel --concurrency N [NAMESPACE ...] [SELECTOR ...]\".
By default, divides all the test namespaces (listed on the command
line, or all in test-paths, into N roughly equal (count-wise)
partitions and tests each partition in parallel in its own JVM via
\"lein test PARTITION [SELECTOR ...]\".
This can be useful for crudely parallelizing a test suite that isn't
safe to parallelize within a single JVM, perhaps due to reliance on
with-redefs, etc.
Generally, you'll want to run a --calibration first (and at least
once), which will collect test timing information in
target/pdb-parallel-testing.edn and use it to partition (balance)
the test namespaces more effectively.
It should be possible to collect the timing information from each
jvm during a concurrent run, and make the calibration more
[bultitude.core :refer [namespaces-on-classpath]]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.test :as test :refer [*test-out* report]]
[ :refer [parse-opts]])
( FileNotFoundException)
(java.lang ProcessBuilder ProcessBuilder$Redirect)
(java.nio.file Path)))

;; Related to lein test selectors (which require eval):
;; include/exclude tags

(defn logn [& args] (binding [*out* *err*] (apply println args)))
(defn logf [& args] (binding [*out* *err*] (print (apply format args)) (flush)))

(defn as-file [x] (if (instance? Path x) (.toFile x) (io/as-file x)))

(def options
[[nil "--test-paths PATH_LIST" "lein project.clj :test-paths as an EDN collection"
:parse-fn #(distinct (edn/read-string %))
:validate [#(every? string? %) "must be an EDN collection of strings"]]
[nil "--state FILE" "persistent state (target/pdb-parallel-testing.edn)"
:default "target/pdb-parallel-testing.edn"
:default-desc ""] ;; too long for help
["-n" "--concurrency N" "number of batches to run in parallel (1)"
:default 1 :default-desc ""
:parse-fn #(Long/parseLong %) :validate [pos? "must be positive"]]
[nil "--calibrate" :desc "collect test timing for future scheduling"]
;; Because "lein test-in-parallel --help" shows generic info
[nil "--test-in-parallel-help"]])

(defn lein-test-ns-syms
"Given leiningen project :test-paths, returns the same collection of
test namespaces (as symbols) that \"lein test\" would select."
(sort (namespaces-on-classpath :classpath (map io/file test-paths)
:ignore-unreadable? false)))

(defn create-batch-test-process [batch cmd]
(let [adjust-env #(doto ^java.util.Map (.environment %)
(.remove "CLASSPATH")
(.put "PDB_TEST_ID" (str batch)))]
(doto (ProcessBuilder. cmd)
(.redirectOutput ProcessBuilder$Redirect/INHERIT)
(.redirectError ProcessBuilder$Redirect/INHERIT)

(defn partition-tests
"Partitions the namespaces into n partitions while attempting to
minimize the longest expected test time of any partition. Currently
intends to be LPT-ish:"
[n namespaces expected-times]
(assert (pos? n))
(assert (every? symbol? namespaces))
(assert (or (nil? expected-times) (map? expected-times)))
(doseq [[k v] expected-times] (assert (symbol? k)) (assert (number? v)))
(let [avg-time (if (seq expected-times)
(/ (apply + (vals expected-times))
(count expected-times))
ns-and-times (->> (mapv #(vector %1 (get expected-times %1 avg-time)) namespaces)
(sort #(compare (second %2) (second %1))))]
(loop [result (mapv #(vector % 0 []) (range n))
[[ns time] & nsts] ns-and-times]
(if-not ns
(filterv seq (map #(nth % 2) result))
(let [[i total part-nsts] (apply min-key second result)]
(recur (update result i #(assoc %
1 (+ total time)
2 (conj part-nsts ns)))

(defn run-concurrent-test-batches [namespaces selectors n expected-ns-times]
(assert (every? symbol? namespaces))
(assert (every? keyword? selectors))
(let [batches (partition-tests n namespaces expected-ns-times)
cmds (map (fn [namespaces]
(-> (into ["lein" "trampoline" "test"] (map name namespaces))
(into (map str selectors))))

procs (mapv (fn [i cmd]
(logf "[%d] Starting %s\n" i (pr-str cmd))
(.start (create-batch-test-process i cmd)))
(range) cmds)
statuses (mapv #(.waitFor %) procs)]
(if (every? zero? statuses)
(doseq [[cmd status] (map vector cmds statuses)
:when (not= 0 status)]
(apply logn "ERROR: exit" status "for" cmd))

(defn read-state-file [path]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader (as-file path))
rdr ( rdr)]
(edn/read rdr))
(catch FileNotFoundException _)))

(defn pdb-test-nss [dirs]
;; The integration tests launch their own vms...
(remove #(str/starts-with? % "puppetlabs.puppetdb.integration")
(lein-test-ns-syms dirs)))

(defn test-in-parallel
[dirs namespaces & {:keys [concurrency selectors state]}]
;; dirs only matter if no namespaces are given
;; FIXME: cleanup on C-c and other parent crashes.
(let [namespaces (or (seq namespaces) (pdb-test-nss dirs))]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(if (empty? selectors)
(println "Testing: ")
(println (str "Testing (selection " (str/join " " selectors) "):")))
(doseq [n namespaces]
(println " " n)))
(run-concurrent-test-batches namespaces selectors concurrency
(:time state))))

(def test-times (atom {}))

(def calibration-methods-initialized? (atom false))

(defn initialize-calibration-methods []
;; The begin/end defaults, e.g. via (get-method
;; report :begin-test-ns) before these defmethods, just print or do
;; nothing, so we don't want/need to call them.
(locking initialize-calibration-methods
(when-not @calibration-methods-initialized?
(defmethod report :begin-test-ns [{:keys [ns]}]
(binding [*out* *test-out*] (println "\nTesting" (ns-name ns)))
(swap! test-times assoc-in [(ns-name ns) :start] (System/nanoTime)))
(defmethod report :end-test-ns [{:keys [ns]}]
(let [end (System/nanoTime)
nn (ns-name ns)
start (get-in @test-times [nn :start])
elapsed (- end start)]
(swap! test-times update nn #(merge % {:end end :elapsed elapsed}))
(binding [*out* *test-out*]
(-> "Tested %s in %.3fs\n"
(format (ns-name ns) (/ elapsed 1000000000.0))
(reset! calibration-methods-initialized? true))))

(defn calibrate [dirs namespaces state-file]
;; Currently ignores selectors - see
;; leiningen.test/form-for-suppressing-unselected-tests for the
;; details.
(let [namespaces (map symbol (or (seq namespaces) (pdb-test-nss dirs)))]
(apply require namespaces)
(let [{:keys [fail error]} (apply test/run-tests namespaces)]
(if-not (zero? (+ fail error))
(let [info (reduce-kv (fn select-timing [result ns {:keys [elapsed]}]
(assoc result ns elapsed))
(with-open [out (io/writer state-file)]
(pprint {:time info} out)

(defn read-selector [x]
(let [v (edn/read-string x)]
(when-not (keyword? v)
;; FIXME: friendlier error handling
(throw (ex-info (str "Expected test selector, found " (pr-str x)) {:val x})))

(defn read-ns-sym [x]
(let [v (edn/read-string x)]
(when-not (symbol? v)
;; FIXME: friendlier error handling
(throw (ex-info (str "Expected namespace symbol, found " (pr-str x)) {:val x})))

(defn validate-nss-and-selectors [args]
(let [parts (partition-by #(str/starts-with? % ":") args)]
(case (count parts)
0 nil
1 (if (str/starts-with? (ffirst parts) ":")
[nil (->> parts first (mapv read-selector))]
[(->> parts first (mapv read-ns-sym)) nil])
2 (let [[namespaces selectors] parts]
(if (str/starts-with? (ffirst namespaces) ":")
(logn "error: test selectors must come after namespaces")
[(mapv read-ns-sym namespaces) (mapv read-selector selectors)]))
(logn "error: all test selectors must come after namespaces")

(defn main [& args]
(let [{:keys [arguments errors options summary]} (parse-opts args options)]
errors (do (logn (str/join \newline errors)) 2)

(:test-in-parallel-help options)
(println "Usage: lein test-in-parallel OPT...")
(println summary)

(:calibrate options)
(if-not (= 1 (:concurrency options))
(logn "error: --calibration requires a ---concurrency of 1")
(let [ns-sel (validate-nss-and-selectors arguments)]
(if (integer? ns-sel)
(let [[namespaces selectors] ns-sel]
(if (seq selectors)
(logn "error: --calibration doesn't currently allow or respect selectors")
(calibrate (:test-paths options) namespaces (:state options)))))))

(let [ns-sel (validate-nss-and-selectors arguments)]
(if (integer? ns-sel)
(let [[namespaces selectors] ns-sel]
(test-in-parallel (:test-paths options) namespaces
(assoc (select-keys options [:concurrency])
:selectors selectors
:state (-> options :state read-state-file))))))))))

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