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LemanPay is a PHP package that allows easy integration with the Leman payment gateway. You can either create payment links or directly process payments with credit cards. It is designed to be flexible, offering both an intuitive API and the ability to directly inspect the raw responses.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require pureweb-creator/leman-pay


Before using the package, you need to set up some keys:


use PurewebCreator\LemanPay\LemanPay;

$lemanPay = new LemanPay();

Usage Scenarios

1. Creating a Payment Link

You can generate a one-time payment link and redirect your user to that link for payment:


$response = $lemanPay->createPaymentLink([
    "MerchantId" => "12323", // Required
    "Amount" => 1000, // Required
    "Currency" => "RUB", // Required
    "LinkType" => "OneTime", // Required
    "ReturnUrl" => "",
    "CallbackUrl" => "",
    "SuccessReturnUrl" => "",
    "FailedReturnUrl" => ""

// Get the payment link
$link = $response->getPaymentLink();

// Redirect the user to the payment link
header("Location: $link");

Checking the Status of a Payment Link

After creating a payment link, you can check its status:


$status = $lemanPay
    ->getPaymentLinkInfo("your-merchant-id") // the same MerchantId used in createPaymentLink()

echo "Payment Link Status: " . $status;

The Status can be one of the following:

  • New
  • InProcess
  • Canceled
  • Completed

2. Direct Payment (with Credit Card)

You can also process a direct payment using credit card details. The payment will typically require a redirect to a 3DS page for authentication:


$response = $lemanPay->pay([
    "MerchantId" => "12323", // Required
    "Amount" => 1000, // Required
    "Currency" => "RUB", // Required
    "ReturnUrl" => "", // Required
    "CallbackUrl" => "",
    "ClientInfo" => (object) [
        "ClientId" => "12323",
        "PhoneNumber" => "+79991231212",
        "FirstName" => "John",
        "LastName" => "Doe",
        "DateOfBirth" => "2022-08-09T10:55:42.8017883Z",
        "Email" => "",
        "Country" => "UKR",
        "State" => "Kyiv Oblast",
        "City" => "Kyiv",
        "PostCode" => "01001",
        "Address" => "20 Sunny Street"
    "BrowserInfo" => (object) [
        "AcceptHeader" => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7",
        "ScreenWidth" => 1536,
        "ScreenHeight" => 864,
        "ScreenColorDepth" => 24,
        "WindowWidth" => 1536,
        "WindowHeight" => 738,
        "Language" => "en-US",
        "JavaEnabled" => false,
        "UserAgent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "TimeZone" => -180,
    "Description" => "Test transaction",
    "FromCard" => (object) [ // Required
        "Pan" => "4111111111111111",
        "Holder" => "NAME SURNAME", 
        "ExpYear" => "2033", 
        "ExpMonth" => "06", 
        "CVV" => "123",

// Get the 3DS redirect link
$link = $response->getPaymentLink();

// Redirect to the 3DS page
header("Location: $link");

Checking the Status of a Direct Payment

After processing the direct payment, you can check its status:


$payment = $lemanPay

echo "Payment Status: " . $paymentStatus;

Receive webhook

Why use webhooks

This enables your system to respond to events immediately, such as updating an order status as soon as a payment is confirmed, without needing to poll for updates.

Setting up the webhook url

This is done by setting the "CallbackUrl" field in the payload when you create a payment request.

Example: Handling Webhooks


use PurewebCreator\LemanPay\Util\JWS;

// Retrieve the webhook data from the request
$callback = @file_get_contents('php://input');

try {
    // Process the callback data using LemanPay
    $callback = json_decode(JWS::parse($callback));

} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Respond with a 400 status code if there is an error processing the webhook

// Handle the event based on the order status
switch ($callback->Payload->Order->Status) {
    case 'Completed':
        // Payment was successful, handle accordingly
        $order = $callback->Payload->Order;
        // todo: handle successful payment, e.g., update order status in the database

    case 'Cancelled':
        // Payment was cancelled, handle accordingly
        // todo: handle cancelled payment, e.g., notify the user

        // If an unknown status is received, return an appropriate message
        echo 'Unknown error';


PHP library for LemanPay API







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