Use this app to calculate present value of investments made (or should have made) in the past
- Enter a valid stock ticker, amount, and past date
- Date must be in the past as it is used to determine how many shares would have been bought
- Click submit and enjoy (or cry) your missed opportunity!
- You never know! You may have made the right choice by not investing!!
- Front-End
- React.js, HTML5, CSS3
- Back-End
- Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize
- External API/Libraries
- Tiingo: Providing 30+ years of historical stock price data
- Deployment
- Heroku: Live website with public URL
- Mocha/Chai: Unit testing of 90% of modules for faster developement
- Travis: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- Fun insult and nice message generator based on the result
- More responsive for mobile phones (possible PWA)
- Front End data validation for the three inputs:
- Ticker: autofill or dropdown to select only valid options
- Amount: Data formatting with commas
- Date: Only allow weekday seelctions (no weekends since Tiingo has no data)
- Integrate bitcoin and other crytptocurrency prices
- Data Visualization of stock price since the date entered
- Social Media integration to share results
- Greater Accessibility for visually impaired customers (A11Y)
- Ability to add SMS/Email reminders to invest (very low priority)
- Any ideas you may have! Please reach out!
- To install all dependencies:
npm run install
- To create database and seed:
createdb past-stonks && createdb past-stonks-test
- To Run App!:
npm run start-dev