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Fixed regexp in molecule/debian/verify.yml #154

Fixed regexp in molecule/debian/verify.yml

Fixed regexp in molecule/debian/verify.yml #154

Workflow file for this run

name: pam
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install pamtester and test prerequisites
run: sudo apt-get install -y pamtester cron at
- name: Test pre-harden
run: |
# Everyone is allowed to use cron
pamtester cron nobody acct_mgmt || exit 1
# Everyone is allowed to use atd
pamtester atd nobody acct_mgmt || exit 1
# Everyone is allowed to use su
# TODO: Prompts for a password
#pamtester su nobody authenticate || exit 1
# Unknown services
# TODO: authenticate & chauthtok
for operation in acct_mgmt open_session; do pamtester nonexistent nobody "${operation}" || exit 1; done
- name: Run Ansible playbook for pam
run: ansible-playbook harden.yml --tags pam --skip-tags slackware,centos
- name: Test post-harden
run: |
# random users should not be able to use cron
# enforced with pam_access
pamtester cron nobody acct_mgmt && exit 1
# root should still be able to use cron
pamtester cron root acct_mgmt || exit 1
# random users should not be able to use atd
# enforced with pam_access
pamtester atd nobody acct_mgmt && exit 1
# su shouldn't be allowed
pamtester su nobody authenticate && exit 1
# Unknown services should be denied by /etc/pam.d/other
for operation in authenticate acct_mgmt chauthtok open_session; do echo "[*] Testing nonexistent service operation ${operation}"; pamtester nonexistent nobody "${operation}" && exit 1; done; true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Install testing prerequisites
run: sudo apt-get install -y libcmocka-dev libpam-wrapper libpam0g-dev libpamtest0-dev
- name: Show PAM version
run: apt-cache show libpam-modules
- name: Compile test program
run: pushd tests && make -f ../Makefile test && popd
# This should fail as pam_matrix is not in use yet
- name: Run tests - round 1
run: tests/test -t 1 -r 7
- name: Prepare environment for testing
run: ansible-playbook tests/pamtests.yml --tags setup
- name: Run tests - round 2
run: |
# Show user
# Authentication should succeed against pam_matrix
echo '[*] Test 1 - root login:auth'
tests/test -t 1 -r 0
# pam_unix(login:account) should block as invalid user
# This test should always succeed
echo '[*] Test 2 - invalid account'
tests/test -t 2
# These will fail as a regular user with "unix_chkpwd[1550490]: could not obtain user info (root)"
#echo '[*] Test 3'
#tests/test -t 3 -r 2
#echo '[*] Test 4'
#tests/test -t 4 -r 2
#echo '[*] Test 5'
#tests/test -t 5 -r 2
#echo '[*] Test 6'
#tests/test -t 6 -r 2
# Should work as root
echo '[*] Test 3 - root login:account'
sudo tests/test -t 3
echo '[*] Test 4 - root cron:account'
sudo tests/test -t 4
# Nothing's preventing user nobody from using cron
echo '[*] Test 5 - nobody cron:account'
sudo tests/test -t 5 -r 0
# Nothing's preventing user nobody from authenticating
echo '[*] Test 6 - nobody login:auth'
sudo tests/test -t 6 -r 0
# Test pam_nologin
sudo touch /etc/nologin
echo '[*] Test 6 - nobody login:auth (nologin)'
sudo tests/test -t 6 -r 7
sudo rm -v /etc/nologin
# Anyone can use su
echo '[*] Test 7 - nobody su:auth'
tests/test -t 7 -r 0
echo '[*] Test 8 - root login:auth (wrong password)'
# Wrong password
time tests/test -t 8 -r 7
- name: Harden PAM
run: |
ansible-playbook harden.yml --tags pam --skip-tags slackware
sudo pam-auth-update --enable access
sudo pam-auth-update --disable polyinstation
sudo pam-auth-update --disable lastlog
# Re-create common-auth-matrix
sudo rm -v /etc/pam.d/common-auth-matrix
ansible-playbook tests/pamtests.yml --tags setup
- name: Run tests - post-harden
run: |
echo '[*] Test 2 - invalid account'
tests/test -t 2
# Should be denied by pam_access
echo '[*] Test 5 - nobody cron:account'
sudo tests/test -t 5 -r 7
# Login for "nobody" should be blocked by hardened configuration even with a valid password
echo '[*] Test 6 - nobody login:auth'
sudo tests/test -t 6 -r 7
# Use of su should be denied
echo '[*] Test 7 - nobody su:auth'
tests/test -t 7 -r 6
# This should succeed because of pam_rootok
echo '[*] Test 7 - nobody su:auth (as root)'
sudo tests/test -t 7 -r 0
# Test failed login & pam_faillock
# We need Sudo to be able to write to faillock
# Test that the login is initially working before faillock kicks in
sudo tests/test -t 1 -r 0
echo '[*] Test 8 - root login:auth (wrong password)'
time sudo tests/test -t 8 -r 6
sudo tests/test -t 8 -r 6
sudo tests/test -t 8 -r 6
# Should be locked after 3 attempts
# Return value will change from PAM_PERM_DENIED to PAM_AUTH_ERR from faillock preauth
sudo tests/test -t 8 -r 7
sudo ls -l /var/run/faillock/
sudo faillock --user root
# Test that root account is locked
echo '[*] Test 1 - root login:auth (with temporary lockout)'
sudo tests/test -t 1 -r 7
- name: chmod /var/log/auth.log
run: sudo chmod -c 644 /var/log/auth.log
- name: Archive auth.log
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: auth.log
path: |
# TODO: Not a complete list. Also Debian.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Download upstream PAM files
run: |
make pam-files
wget -nv -O pam-files/
- name: Check upstream for changes
run: |
cat 0<<EOF | sha512sum -c
0285899c74c51a968eddd920281972ce4c432f487fc19a4db94a4093621282d2059eeb276b00bdfecc2cd645c6a70f2d1da74d89277fd6186d3639a28e102c5e pam-files/sshd
1ee952e39eee796af335cfa69fbed69b51f76faf3a279a2526c9fdd89fb34216c19ad323e7ff97048c80567fd1bb625f384183c22bf0ea04041a25b365cef8a2 pam-files/xscreensaver
25af00fb379de78d2807e1f291fcf6a44a097dc4bbbe4f5ef8cc54deccba69428e72ad32cae65fd2e2b0d29a0233513fecc033b99a207890e6fb9cd7d98f87c2 pam-files/chfn
25af00fb379de78d2807e1f291fcf6a44a097dc4bbbe4f5ef8cc54deccba69428e72ad32cae65fd2e2b0d29a0233513fecc033b99a207890e6fb9cd7d98f87c2 pam-files/chsh
7750b5480178346bdf856d83e3aecf637f9888380657d2fe863096959ebc02a5e52fbab08bad9c4ae9e1c4f257dbe1d155eef8dd8dc1b9ac178b90e0ada5b6cb pam-files/runuser
9b39d1238b4686cb17e04051e0b5f9a5bd264e7789c6cf5409d7ed5114de781d28fbc8a7457f1ea67664ec595313e2c49710ac1a2480dbc49ed3d6ccf91bb3e6 pam-files/runuser-l
c4468029c85cf3346bb34c1ba6682e185b681569beefe2fa6bd6233b15cf9d4f37e916791f5b2d1385ba97f7d0287116b9f6e2a3e458ff2abcc68224c9e597f9 pam-files/login
c4468029c85cf3346bb34c1ba6682e185b681569beefe2fa6bd6233b15cf9d4f37e916791f5b2d1385ba97f7d0287116b9f6e2a3e458ff2abcc68224c9e597f9 pam-files/remote
7b9d8bd3702b285e7d914283515595546d6da628f18916d1e6bfcc4642e06fcefd085b8067c490fd6a5916e310139e533427982379f4318809f9bfe482151c62 pam-files/
- name: Archive pam-files
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: pam-files
path: |