A machine learning framework for predicting cell-cell interactions during oocyte maturation using ensemble methods (Random Forest and XGBoost).
flowchart TB
subgraph Input["1 Input Data"]
direction LR
A1["Cell Type 1\nGene Expression"] --> FP
A2["Cell Type 2\nGene Expression"] --> FP
style A1 fill:#f9e6e6
style A2 fill:#f9e6e6
subgraph Feature["2 Feature Engineering"]
direction TB
FP["Feature Preparation"] --> F1["Basic Features"]
FP --> F2["Interaction Features"]
FP --> F3["Correlation Features"]
F1 & F2 & F3 --> CM["Combined Matrix"]
style FP fill:#e6f3ff
style F1 fill:#e6f3ff
style F2 fill:#e6f3ff
style F3 fill:#e6f3ff
style CM fill:#e6f3ff
subgraph Model["3 Model Training"]
direction TB
CM --> RF["Random Forest Model"]
CM --> XGB["XGBoost Model"]
RF --> EP["Ensemble\nPredictions"]
XGB --> EP
style RF fill:#e6ffe6
style XGB fill:#e6ffe6
style EP fill:#e6ffe6
subgraph Evaluation["4 Model Evaluation"]
direction TB
EP --> M1["ROC Curve\nAUC Score"]
EP --> M2["PR Curve\nPrecision/Recall"]
EP --> M3["Feature\nImportance Analysis"]
EP --> M4["FDR Control\n(p < 0.05)"]
style M1 fill:#fff5e6
style M2 fill:#fff5e6
style M3 fill:#fff5e6
style M4 fill:#fff5e6
subgraph Output["5 Final Results"]
direction TB
M1 & M2 & M3 & M4 --> R1["Model Performance\nMetrics"]
M1 & M2 & M3 & M4 --> R2["Significant\nInteractions"]
style R1 fill:#e6e6ff
style R2 fill:#e6e6ff
classDef section fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class Input,Feature,Model,Evaluation,Output section
linkStyle default stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px
- Ensemble learning combining Random Forest and XGBoost
- Advanced feature engineering for gene expression data
- Statistical validation with FDR control (< 0.05)
- Comprehensive evaluation metrics (ROC, PR curves)
- Interactive visualization of results
- 35% improvement in prediction accuracy over baseline methods
You can install OocyteForestBoost directly from PyPI:
pip install oocyteforestboost
Or install from source:
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/qianxu05172019/OocyteForestBoost.git
# Navigate to the directory
cd OocyteForestBoost
# Install from source
pip install .
from oocyteforestboost.predictor import CellInteractionPredictor
import numpy as np
# Generate example data (replace with your own data)
n_samples = 1000
n_features = 100
cell_type1_expression = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n_samples, n_features))
cell_type2_expression = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n_samples, n_features))
# Initialize predictor
predictor = CellInteractionPredictor()
# Prepare features
X = predictor.prepare_features(cell_type1_expression, cell_type2_expression)
# If you have interaction labels (for training)
y = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, n_samples) # Replace with your actual labels
# Train models
predictor.train_models(X, y)
# Make predictions
predictions = predictor.predict_proba(X)
# Identify significant interactions
significant_interactions = predictor.apply_fdr_control(predictions)
# Evaluate model performance
eval_results = predictor.evaluate_models(X, y)
# Visualize results
The predictor expects gene expression data in the following format:
- Gene expression matrices for two cell types (numpy arrays)
- Each row represents a sample
- Each column represents a gene
- Labels should be binary (0: no interaction, 1: interaction)
If you use this tool in your research, please cite:
title={OocyteForestBoost: A machine learning framework for predicting cell-cell interactions during oocyte maturation},
author={Xu, Qian},
MIT License
Qian Xu - qianxu0517@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/qianxu05172019/OocyteForestBoost