- Base on Expo
- Tailwindcss by nativewind
- i18n
- Dark theme
- Jest & React Native Testing Library
- authentication
- sign in, sign up
- process as guest
- protect route and action
- Supabase - TBD
Update React Native rely on Expo, check the doc here: Upgrade Expo SDK
bun install expo@latest
orbun install expo@next
bunx expo install --fix
), or justbunx expo install expo@^52.0.0 --fix
- check the Changelog
- Check for any possible known issues:
bunx expo-doctor@latest
- GitHub action
- Maestro TBD
jest.mock('@react-navigation/native', () => {
return {
useNavigation: jest.fn(),
install, prefer using this for install expo related:
bunx expo install react-native-webview
- Don't wrap your whole app in SafeAreaView, instead apply the styles to content inside your screens, from: reactnavigation-summary
- sonner-native toast component for React Native.
- lucide-react-native
build the UI components inspired by shadcn/ui, refer from:
- react-native-reusables Universal shadcn/ui for React Native featuring a focused collection of components - Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind.
- nativecn-ui
- gluestack-ui React & React Native Components & Patterns, seems good.
- style system and ui library tamagui
- react-native-ui-lib
- install
just to support read TypeScript jest configuration.
pnpm dlx create-expo-stack rn-expo-starter
for init commit, base on create-expo-stack.- Perfect project init setting
- Check the commit
- Utilize shadcn/ui theme and components
npm install -g eas-cli
eas login
- config esa.json, refer: eas.json
- eas build --platform android --profile preview --local
eas build --profile development-simulator --platform ios
build for ios simulator without expo go for canny expo sdk