This project provides a sample implementation for integrating biometric authentication in Android apps. It covers both normal and cryptographic biometric operations, serving as a practical guide for developers.
The application is structured into several main components, each handling different aspects of biometric integration:
- Biometric Verification Callback: Interfaces to handle success, failure, and error events during biometric operations.
- CryptoBiometricsHelper: Manages cryptographic operations with biometric authentication.
- NormalBiometricHelper: Handles basic biometric authentication processes.
onSuccess(result: String?)
: Triggered when biometric verification is successfully completed.onFailure(isLock: Boolean)
: Triggered when verification fails or is canceled, includes a flag for biometric lockout.onError(error: String)
: Called when an error occurs during biometric processing.
Manages cryptographic operations using biometrics:
requestBiometricsForEncryption(activity, key, data, callback)
: Starts an encryption process using biometrics.requestBiometricsForDecryption(activity, key, callback)
: Starts a decryption process using biometrics.encryptAndStoreBiometricData(context, authResult, data)
: Encrypts and securely stores data.
Handles basic biometric authentication:
: Checks if biometric authentication is available and enabled on the device.requestNormalBiometrics(activity, callback)
: Begins a biometric authentication process.
if (NormalBiometricHelper.isBiometricsAvailable(context)) {
NormalBiometricHelper.requestNormalBiometrics(activity, object : BiometricVerificationCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: String?) {
// Handle success
override fun onFailure(isLock: Boolean) {
// Handle failure
override fun onError(error: String) {
// Handle error
CryptoBiometricsHelper.requestBiometricsForEncryption(activity, "key_example", "data_to_encrypt", object : BiometricVerificationCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: String?) {
// Data encrypted successfully
override fun onFailure(isLock: Boolean) {
// Handle failure
override fun onError(error: String) {
// Handle error
CryptoBiometricsHelper.requestBiometricsForDecryption(activity, "key_example", object : BiometricVerificationCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: String?) {
// Data decrypted successfully
override fun onFailure(isLock: Boolean) {
// Handle failure
override fun onError(error: String) {
// Handle error