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Lasse Støjier Pedersen edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 2 revisions


This section will specify how to be using Guide's part of Steam.


To increase the Unique Visitors number on the guide, you have to use the module Shared File Vote Like Share

module Name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare
module file name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare.js

In the module you will find a SharedList. You have to add a object, for each guide you what to have viewed.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description Mandatory for this
SharedId string the id for the guide, it shoud be in the url yes
appid string the app that the guide is for, ( can be found whit jQuery("#PublishedFileFavorite").find("input[name=appid]").val() in the console on the guide ) no
view bool true or false if it shoud view that yes
rate bool true or false if it shoud rate up that no
rateMode enum set to RateMode.up or RateMode.down no
favorite bool true or false if it shoud view that no
favoriteMode enum set to FavoriteMode.favorite or FavoriteMode.unFavorite no

Note that only the Mandatory must be on the object, rest doent have to be there, but can still be filled for doing more to the same guide.


var SharedList = [
    { sharedId: "923012519", view: true }, 
    { sharedId: "947272224", appid: "753", view: true, rate: false, rateMode: RateMode.up, favorite: false, favoriteMode: FavoriteMode.favorite }

This will increase the Unique Visitors 2 guide and, And nothing more as the rest is false.


To rate up or down on the guide, you have to use the module Shared File Vote Like Share

module Name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare
module file name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare.js

In the module you will find a SharedList. You have to add a object, for each guide you what to Rate.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description Mandatory for this
SharedId string the id for the guide, it shoud be in the url yes
appid string the app that the guide is for, ( can be found whit jQuery("#PublishedFileFavorite").find("input[name=appid]").val() in the console on the guide ) no
view bool true or false if it shoud view that no
rate bool true or false if it shoud rate up that yes
rateMode enum set to RateMode.up or RateMode.down yes
favorite bool true or false if it shoud view that no
favoriteMode enum set to FavoriteMode.favorite or FavoriteMode.unFavorite no

Note that only the Mandatory must be on the object, rest doent have to be there, but can still be filled for doing more to the same guide.


var SharedList = [
    { sharedId: "923012519", rate: true, rateMode: RateMode.up }, 
    { sharedId: "947272224", appid: "753", view: false, rate: true, rateMode: RateMode.up, favorite: false, favoriteMode: FavoriteMode.favorite }

This will rate up the 2 guide and, And nothing more as the rest is false.


To favorit or unfavorit guide, you have to use the module Shared File Vote Like Share

module Name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare
module file name SharedFile_VoteLikeShare.js

In the module you will find a SharedList. You have to add a object, for each guide you what to Rate.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description Mandatory for this
SharedId string the id for the guide, it shoud be in the url yes
appid string the app that the guide is for, ( can be found whit jQuery("#PublishedFileFavorite").find("input[name=appid]").val() in the console on the guide ) yes
view bool true or false if it shoud view that no
rate bool true or false if it shoud rate up that no
rateMode enum set to RateMode.up or RateMode.down no
favorite bool true or false if it shoud view that yes
favoriteMode enum set to FavoriteMode.favorite or FavoriteMode.unFavorite yes

Note that only the Mandatory must be on the object, rest doent have to be there, but can still be filled for doing more to the same guide.


var SharedList = [
    { sharedId: "923012519", appid: "753", favorite: true, favoriteMode: FavoriteMode.favorite }, 
    { sharedId: "947272224", appid: "753", view: false, rate: false, rateMode: RateMode.up, favorite: true, favoriteMode: FavoriteMode.favorite }

This will rate up the 2 guide and, And nothing more as the rest is false.

Give Awared/Rewards

Section comming soon.


To comment on a guide, you have to use the module Shared File Comment

module Name SharedFile_Comment
module file name SharedFile_Comment.js

In the module you will find a SharedFileToComment. You have to add a object, for each comment you want to add.

You have to add a object whit propperty

Name Type Description
sharedId string The id for the guide, it shoud be in the url
ownerSteamID string The steamid 64 of the guide creator ( might be found whit jQuery(".commentthread_area").attr("id").split("_")[3] in the console on the guide )
appid int The app that the guide is for, ( can be found whit jQuery("#PublishedFileFavorite").find("input[name=appid]").val() in the console on the guide )
message string The comment to add

Note All the proppertys must be set. Example:

var SharedFileToComment = [
    // next list is a example of how a comment can look ( all 4 must be set. )
        sharedId: "923012519",
        ownerSteamID: "76561197990233572",
        appid: 753,
        message: "Nice work"

This will add the comment Nice work, to the guide

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