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QuestionPy Development Environment


Quick Start

$ git clone
$ cd qpy-dev
$ poetry install
$ alias poe="poetry run poe"
$ poe venv:install
$ poe moodle:start
$ poe qpy:serve


Running tasks

The most commonly used tasks.

Task Description
venv:install Collect and install all dependencies in dev environment.
Can be executed when updating dependencies in a sub-project, switching branches, etc.
qpy:watch Run QuestionPy dev server in watch mode.
docs:watch Start docs dev server in watch mode.
check Run all checks on projects.
Runs checks sequentially against your current dev environment.
Preserves log output.
toxp Run all checks on projects using tox.
Runs checks in parallel in separate virtual environments (suppressing log output).
Runs test suites against supported Python versions.
up Bump all versions in pyproject.toml.
moodle:* Manage Moodle dev stack.

See the online help for a list of all available commands.

$ poe --help


$ cp .env .env.local

Edit .env.local to your liking.


Persistent poe Alias

Add poe as an alias to your login shell.

$ echo 'alias poe="poetry run poe"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Install Python Versions

Install all required Python versions for testing. Pyenv is easiest, but other methods work too.

$ pyenv install 3.11 3.12
Moodle start/stop hooks

Run arbitrary shell commands on Moodle start/shutdown. The example adds an exception to the firewall, so Moodle can access the host QuestionPy server.

MOODLE_DOCKER_POST_START_HOOK="IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' qpy-dev-moodle-webserver-1); sudo iptables -A INPUT -s $IP/16 -j ACCEPT"
MOODLE_DOCKER_PRE_STOP_HOOK="IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' qpy-dev-moodle-webserver-1); sudo iptables -D INPUT -s $IP/16 -j ACCEPT"

PR Waterfall

This repository does not address the PR waterfall issue directly that occurs when pushing commits that include breaking changes. But it does encourage to check against the other packages before pushing.

When pushing code/merging PRs that involve multiple repositories, you will need to respect the package's dependency graph, meaning you have to adhere to a particular order to avoid failed CI pipelines.

  1. questionpy-server
  2. questionpy-sdk
  3. questionpy-docs

Also, related PRs should be grouped and accepted in a timely manner to reduce friction for other developers as much as possible.


QuestionPy Development Environment







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Contributors 4

