ROLA is a method of authenticating something claimed by the user connected to your dApp with the Radix Wallet. It uses the capabilities of the Radix Network to make this possible in a way that is decentralized and flexible for the user.
ROLA is intended for use in the server backend portion of a Full Stack dApp. It runs "off-ledger" alongside backend business and user management logic, providing reliable authentication of claims of user control using "on-ledger" data from the Radix Network.
npm install @radixdlt/rola
import { Rola, NetworkId, SignedChallenge } from '@radixdlt/rola'
const { verifySignedChallenge } = Rola({
networkId: NetworkId.RCNetV3,
applicationName: 'Gumball Club',
// signed challenge response returned from wallet
const signedChallenge = {
challenge: 'b519902dd21c9669b81bb5023687879d178e5c4991ba1d0ee9e131cee365bafa',
proof: {
curve: 'curve25519',
type: 'persona',
const result = await verifySignedChallenge(signedChallenge)
// handle error response
if (result.isErr()) throw result.error