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API Endpoints

Login Routes

login route /api/login

Request POST

  "email": "",
  "password": "123456"


200 ok for successful login
401 Incorrect email or password         for invalid credentials
401 Missing credentials                 for missing email or password

Forgot password route api/forgot_password

Request POST

  "email": ""


200 Reset link sent     if the user exist in the database
400 user not found      if the user doesn't exist

Reset password route api/reset_password/:token

Request POST

  "password": "123456",
  "confpassword": "123456"


401 token is requred       if the token is not provided in the url
401 password and confirm password must match
498 Invalid token           if the token is altered
200 Password updated        if all is good


Get all colleges /api/colleges

Request GET



    "id": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
    "englishName": "Faculty of Engineering",
    "arabicName": "كلية الهندسة"
    "id": "b85ba1f6-38fe-4017-be83-26b75ec71e4a",
    "englishName": "Faculty of Pharmacy",
    "arabicName": "كلية الصيدلة"
    "id": "5e4f9d29-f938-4f06-a5ed-020f2944b9bb",
    "englishName": "Faculty of Arts",
    "arabicName": "كلية الفنون"
  }, ....

** 200 OK is the only reponse you can get whether the id is correct or not

Get specefic college /api/colleges/:id

Request GET



  "id": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
  "englishName": "Faculty of Engineering",
  "arabicName": "كلية الهندسة"

** 200 OK is the only reponse you can get whether the id is correct or not

Create College /api/college

Request POST

  "englishName": "Faculty of raafatxx",
  "arabicName": "كلية الصيدلة"
** both english and arabic name are mandatory


201 along with the created object       if the request is ok
400 missing english or arabic name      if there are any missing fields

Update college /api/college/:id

Request PUT

  "englishName": "Faculty of Engineeringxx"
** update englishname or arabicname or both


200 ok along with the updated object        if all is good
422 Invalid Arguments                       if request is empty or wrong keys

Delete college /api/college/:id

Request DELETE



200 OK along with the deleted object            if id  exists
404 college not found                           if id doesn't exist

Create users

Upload CSV route /api/students/bulk?collegeId=xxxx

Request query param POST

the input name must be "csv" **case sensetive
don't forget the collegeId as a query parameter
the only constraint is the nationalId
uncreated students are returned in an array


201 on sucess with an array of failed students
400 on failure

Create user route /api/student

Request POST

  "email": "",
  "englishName": "Salem El Hamood",               
  "arabicName": "سالم الحمود",
  "address": "Hamood El Hamood street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia",
  "birthDate": "1999-01-01",
  "birthPlace": "Riyadh",                 
  "contactPhone": "+964 770 123 4567",
  "gender": "MALE",
  "guardianName": "Hamood El Hamood",
  "homePhone": "0643217123",
  "nationalId": "30006161588373",
  "nationality": "Saudi",
  "religion": "MUSLIM",
  "collegeId": "032a81cd-ac05-438b-841e-037e92cc5fe5",
  "InstitutePreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "PreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "TotalPreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "collegeCode": "32",    
  "directorate": "Ismailia",                
  "enrollmentYear": "2023",
  "schoolMarks": "294.5",     
  "schoolSeatId": "743751"                  
** nationalId is the only mandatory field, the rest are optional


201 ok
  "id": "4a45e167-afa0-41f1-aad4-40ffea093b72",
  "userId": "e6970756-98a7-4b73-bd8e-66917fa5654a",
  "arabicName": "سالم الحمود",
  "englishName": "Salem El Hamood",
  "SeatId": 102,
  "gender": "MALE",
  "religion": "MUSLIM",
  "birthDate": "1999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "birthPlace": "Riyadh",
  "nationalId": "30006161288373",
  "nationality": "Saudi",
  "maritalStatus": null,
  "otherNationality": null,
  "address": "Hamood El Hamood street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia",
  "contactPhone": "+964 770 123 4567",
  "homePhone": "0643217123",
  "guardianName": "Hamood El Hamood",
  "guardianAddress": null,
  "guardianNationality": null,
  "guardianPhone": null,
  "InstitutePreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "PreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "TotalPreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "schoolMarks": "294.5",
  "schoolSeatId": "743751",
  "recruitmentState": null,
  "armyNumber": null,
  "recruitmentNumber": null,
  "recruitmentDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYear": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYearEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reserveEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collegeId": "032a81cd-ac05-438b-841e-037e92cc5fe5",
  "programId": null,
  "directorate": "Ismailia",
  "collegeCode": "32",
  "enrollmentSemesterId": null

Get user route /api/student/:id

Request GET

GET http://localhost:8080/api/student/031e323d-d4d0-414e-9551-be688970738c

Get all users route /api/student/all/:collegeId

Request GET

GET http://localhost:8080/api/student/all/0ca30298-090c-45f2-b765-cc9b11a67c1d

Update user route /api/student/:id

Request PUT

  "englishName": "Hamooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood"


  "id": "4e8ca890-f40e-4bb2-b8d7-c9c6759083cb",
  "userId": "5fe3dccf-f664-4284-b6e1-f37de954c7ab",
  "arabicName": "سالم الحمود",
  "englishName": "Hamooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood",
  "SeatId": 101,
  "gender": "MALE",
  "religion": "MUSLIM",
  "birthDate": "1999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "birthPlace": "Riyadh",
  "nationalId": "30006161588373",
  "nationality": "Saudi",
  "maritalStatus": null,
  "otherNationality": null,
  "address": "Hamood El Hamood street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia",
  "contactPhone": "+964 770 123 4567",
  "homePhone": "0643217123",
  "guardianName": "Hamood El Hamood",
  "guardianAddress": null,
  "guardianNationality": null,
  "guardianPhone": null,
  "InstitutePreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "PreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "TotalPreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "schoolMarks": "294.5",
  "schoolSeatId": "743751",
  "recruitmentState": null,
  "armyNumber": null,
  "recruitmentNumber": null,
  "recruitmentDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYear": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYearEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reserveEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collegeId": "032a81cd-ac05-438b-841e-037e92cc5fe5",
  "programId": null,
  "directorate": "Ismailia",
  "collegeCode": "32",
  "enrollmentSemesterId": null

Delete user route /api/student/:id

Request DELETE

DELETE http://localhost:8080/api/student/6521e1d0-1721-4442-a4f8-3082e87e9e24


  "id": "4e8ca890-f40e-4bb2-b8d7-c9c6759083cb",
  "userId": "5fe3dccf-f664-4284-b6e1-f37de954c7ab",
  "arabicName": "سالم الحمود",
  "englishName": "Hamooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood",
  "SeatId": 101,
  "gender": "MALE",
  "religion": "MUSLIM",
  "birthDate": "1999-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "birthPlace": "Riyadh",
  "nationalId": "30006161588373",
  "nationality": "Saudi",
  "maritalStatus": null,
  "otherNationality": null,
  "address": "Hamood El Hamood street, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia",
  "contactPhone": "+964 770 123 4567",
  "homePhone": "0643217123",
  "guardianName": "Hamood El Hamood",
  "guardianAddress": null,
  "guardianNationality": null,
  "guardianPhone": null,
  "InstitutePreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "PreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "TotalPreviousQualification": "IDK",
  "schoolMarks": "294.5",
  "schoolSeatId": "743751",
  "recruitmentState": null,
  "armyNumber": null,
  "recruitmentNumber": null,
  "recruitmentDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYear": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "enrollmentYearEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "reserveEndDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "collegeId": "032a81cd-ac05-438b-841e-037e92cc5fe5",
  "programId": null,
  "directorate": "Ismailia",
  "collegeCode": "32",
  "enrollmentSemesterId": null


Get all programs /api/programs/?college_id

Request GET



    "id": "6e7441c6-168e-4a1b-9b1e-a191914d44e0",
    "englishName": "Level 1",
    "arabicName": "المستوى الاول",
    "collegeId": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
    "programCode": "CEE623",
    "creditHours": 38,
    "mandatoryHours": 8,
    "optionalHours": 30,
    "projectQualifyingHours": 0,
    "feesType": "SEMESTERFIXED",
    "summerFeesType": "SEMESTERFIXED",
    "allowedHrs": "SEMESTER",
    "prerequisiteProgramId": null,
    "gradeLowering": 65,
    "attemptsToLowerGrade": 3,
    "failureGrade": 15,
    "degree": "DIPLOMA",
    "hasSummerSemester": null,
    "system": "CREDIT",
    "maxGrade": null
    "id": "4517755c-0f9e-459d-bc05-81212a8e664f",
    "englishName": "Electrical Engineering",
    "arabicName": "الهندسة الكهربية",
    "collegeId": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
    "programCode": "BSMO46",
    "creditHours": 42,
    "mandatoryHours": 12,
    "optionalHours": 30,
    "projectQualifyingHours": 0,
    "feesType": "YEARFIXED",
    "summerFeesType": "COURSES",
    "allowedHrs": "CUMULATIVE",
    "prerequisiteProgramId": null,
    "gradeLowering": 60,
    "attemptsToLowerGrade": 6,
    "failureGrade": 12,
    "degree": "BACHELOR",
    "hasSummerSemester": null,
    "system": "CREDIT",
    "maxGrade": null

Get specefic program /api/programs/:id

Request GET



  "id": "23026360-a448-4584-b1c0-d78904f487b8",
  "englishName": "Mechanical Engineering",
  "arabicName": "الهندسة الميكانيكية",
  "collegeId": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
  "programCode": "BCE589",
  "creditHours": 34,
  "mandatoryHours": 15,
  "optionalHours": 12,
  "projectQualifyingHours": 7,
  "feesType": "CREDITHOURS",
  "summerFeesType": "SEMESTERFIXED",
  "allowedHrs": "CUMULATIVE",
  "prerequisiteProgramId": null,
  "gradeLowering": 50,
  "attemptsToLowerGrade": 2,
  "failureGrade": 12,
  "degree": "DIPLOMA",
  "hasSummerSemester": null,
  "system": "CREDIT",
  "maxGrade": null

Create program /api/programs/

Request POST

  "englishName": "Level 1",
  "arabicName": "المستوى الاول",
  "collegeId": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
  "programCode": "CEE623",
  "creditHours": "optional",
  "mandatoryHours": "optional",
  "optionalHours": "optional",
  "projectQualifyingHours": "optional",
  "feesType": "from enum",
  "summerFeesType": "from enum",
  "allowedHrs": "SEMESTER",
  "prerequisiteProgramId": "optional",
  "gradeLowering": "optional",
  "attemptsToLowerGrade": "optional",
  "failureGrade": "optional",
  "degree": "optional",
  "hasSummerSemester": "optional",
  "system": "credit",
  "maxGrade": "optional"
** englishName, arabicName, collegeId, programCode, feesType, summerFeesType, allowedHrs and system fileds are mandatory
** programCode field must be unique
** prerequisiteProgramId must be correct


201 and sends created data upon success
400 if college_id is missing

Update program /api/programs/:id

Request PUT

    "programCode": "AE56",
    "maxGrade": 110


200 ok along with updated object

Delete program /api/programs/:id

Request DELETE



** 200 OK along with the deleted object
  "id": "2de38f40-f778-4022-bb44-b8ce45d47eed",
  "englishName": "ِِArchitecture Engineering",
  "arabicName": "المستوى الاول",
  "collegeId": "81521f18-76e6-41fb-81a6-34e8076cd684",
  "programCode": "AE56",
  "creditHours": 80,
  "mandatoryHours": 60,
  "optionalHours": 20,
  "projectQualifyingHours": 65,
  "feesType": "CREDITHOURS",
  "summerFeesType": "CREDITHOURS",
  "allowedHrs": "SEMESTER",
  "prerequisiteProgramId": null,
  "gradeLowering": 15,
  "attemptsToLowerGrade": 3,
  "failureGrade": 60,
  "degree": "DIPLOMA",
  "hasSummerSemester": true,
  "system": "CREDIT",
  "maxGrade": 10


uni graduation project






No releases published


No packages published
