Inspired by shotgun and memento, Amnesia is a tool that aids the development of WSGI compliant applications reloading modules on each request.
Restart your webserver no more.
Amnesia takes care of loaded modules by the time it's instantiated and reloads all modules imported afterwards on-the-fly as an aid for development of WSGI compliant applications. Amnesia is meant to be used like a standalone executable, running on the shell like:
amnesia mymodule my_wsgi_app
or as a WSGI Middleware as follows:
>>> from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
>>> from amnesia import Amnesia
>>> my_reloading_app = Amnesia("mymodule", "wsgi_app")
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>> httpd = make_server("", 8080, my_reloading_app)
>>> print("Running on localhost:8080...")
>>> print("Modify your app and refresh your browser's page.")
>>> httpd.serve_forever()
- Author: Rafael Carlos Valverde,
- License: MIT
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